daquintero / piel

Photonic Integrated ELectronics. Microservices to codesign photonics, electronics, quantum, and more.
MIT License
43 stars 5 forks source link
codesign electronics gdsfactory openroad optimization photonics quantum system

Photonic Integrated ELectronics

Name PyPI
Version Documentation
Status Coverage MIT Black

piel < 0.1 is still in active development. The API is starting to stabilize, but use it currently at your own risk.

Microservices to codesign photonics, electronics, communications, quantum, and more.

Target functionality

piel aims to provide an integrated workflow to co-design photonics and electronics, classically and quantum. It does not aim to replace the individual functionality of each design tool, but rather provide a glue to easily connect them all together and extract the system performance.


Follow the many examples in the documentation.

Microservices Toolset

This package provides interconnection functions to easily co-design microelectronics through the functionality of the major python-integrated microelectronics projects and photonics via the GDSFactory project.


Some existing microservice dependency integrations are:

piel also provides a common dependency-resolved environment for all these tools, so that you just get started with designing rather than manage dependencies (which is a massive pain). Full flow environment toolsets can use nix, docker, and local installations following the existing open-source design flows.


If you feel dedicated enough to become a project maintainer, or just want to do a single contribution, let\'s do this together!