deka108 / mathqa

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android camera latex material ocr retrofit2 tesseract vision-api

MathQA for Android


Build and Installation

  1. Download and Install Android Studio.
  2. Clean and Build (Build --> Clean --> Rebuild Project). Note that app building process will fail at first time because it uses AndroidAnnotation which will only be successful at runtime but fails at compile time.
  3. Connect an Android phone to the laptop or starts an Android emulator.
  4. Make sure that the server is running. Note since MathQA server is not deployed to a remote server, we must modify the IP address for MathQA server manually by editting MathQA/app/src/main/java/dekauliya/fyp/mathqa/ and changing the BASE_URL's address into the local address where MathQA server is running.
  5. Run the app and install it to the phone or Android emulator (Run --> Run app). It should be successful now.
  6. Work and develop the code using AndroidAnnotation framework and libraries under app/build.gradle
    1. Modify or add new libraries as necessary by modifying app/build.gradle

Project Structure

path: MathQA/app/src/main/

├── AndroidManifest.xml: Android dependencies and 
├── assets
│   └── tessdata: contains training data for Tesseract
├── java
│   └── dekauliya
│       └── fyp
│           └── mathqa
│               ├── CameraOcr: contains related tools for performing OCR.
│               │   ├── Image preview and menus for performing Image
│               │   │   processing or OCR.
│               │   ├── Image processor implementation for Leptonica.
│               │   └──  OCR engine implementation for Google Text API.
│               ├── DataServices: relevant services for performing Rest API with the MathQA server
│               │   ├── REST API client service implementations.
│               │   ├── MathQA server REST API interfaces
│               ├── MathQA common interfaces.
│               ├── MathQA SharedPreference.
│               ├── Models: available Java object models
│               ├── Utils: Commonly used functions and utilities.
│               │   ├── displaying MaterialDesign icons for MathQA.
│               │   ├── displaying FloatingActionButtons for mathematical document search.
│               │   ├── image picking utilities for selecting image from file system / cameras.
│               │   ├── OCR utilities for selecting image processor and OCR engine.
│               │   ├── displaying search input dialogs.
│               │   └── include LaTeX rendering utilities.
│               └── Views: provides MathQA UI component.
│                   ├──
│                   ├──
│                   ├──
│                   ├── DetailViews: Detailed Activities.
│                   ├── ListViews: List Activities
│                   │   ├── Base MathQA ListFragment.
│                   │   └── Items: contains both header and subitem of a list item.
│                   └── SearchViews: Search Activities
└── res
    ├── layout: provides the layout for all MathQA activities, fragments, and list items.
    └── values: provides common numerical, color, string values and styles used in MathQA.

Best Practices

Below are Android libraries that I have used throughout the project.

  1. Dependency Injection
    • Android Annotation Tool: faster android development using annotations. It provides powerful dependency injection tools between views, activity and fragments; simplifies multi-threading between background and UI threads; communicates shared preferences and event listeners; and much more.
    • Parceler: serialize-deserialize Java objects.
  2. REST APIs: Retrofit2, a HTTP client library. This library is used because it has better performance and relatively simple to use compared to other HTTP libraries.
  3. Observer pattern:
  4. Incorporate Material Design during UI Development. Here, I made use of the following libraries to develop material design views a better user experience.
  5. Runtime Permissions: Android version Marshmallow or later require permissions before allowing the app to use sensitive system data and features. Some of these sensitive features include camera and file system access which is used by MathQA during OCR. Dexter library is incorporated to handle these permissions.
  6. Class Inheritance and Polymorphism. In this principle, a class may extend from a base object that have similar behaviours. In the project, I incorporate these two principles for developing customised Fragments and Activities, and also implementing both preprocessors and recognisers for OCR.

Other Libraries

  1. File Storage management: SimpleStorage. This library is used to copy Tesseract trained models into the phone.
  2. Tesseract fork for Android: tess-two library

Features (screenshot will be added soon):


Network and Data Services

Camera and OCR
