devdignesh / twitter-clone

Twitter Clone: A Next.js 14 project with SASS, TailwindCSS, Framer motion, TypeScript, Tanstack Query, MongoDB, Prisma, NextAuth and Zustand
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docker-images framer-motion mongodb nextjs14 nextjs14-typescript sass shadcn-ui tanstack-query tanstack-react-query twitter-clone typescript zustand

Twitter clone

Build a fully functional Twitter clone with using a Next.js 14 with TypeScript, Sass, TailwindCSS, Framer-motion, Tanstack Query, MongoDB, Supabase, Prisma, NextAuth and Zustand. It showcases advanced frontend and backend capabilities.

twitter-clone-preview ## 📽 Demo video link ## ✨ Features - Google / Github / Email (NextAuth) Authentication - Edit profile with profile / banner images and other details - Create tweet with upto 4 images and support emojis - Follow / Unfollow user functionality - User can Likes / Comments / Replies / Bookmark tweet - User can see following list of other users - User can Delete / Pin own post - User can see other user's following / followers list - Search any tweet and user - Discover trending hashtags - Fully responsive - Change theme using shortcut `Alt + T` ## Built with - [Next.js]( - [TypeScript]( - [Tailwind CSS]( - [Sass]( - [Mongodb]( - [Prisma]( - [Supabase]( - [Zustand]( - [TanStack Query]( - [NextAuth.js]( - [Upstash Redis]( - [zod]( - [SWR]( ## 🛠️ Installation ```bash git clone cd twitter-clone npm i npm run dev ``` ## Environment Variables Before running the development server, make sure to create `.env` file in the root directory of the project and add the required environment variables. You can use the example provided in the repository as a starting point. ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` ## Prisma Setup (MongoDB) #### 1. Install Dependencies ```bash npm install ``` - This will automatically install Prisma and all the necessary dependencies #### 2. Generate Prisma Client ```bash npx prisma generate ``` #### 3. MongoDB Configuration - The project uses MongoDB, and the connection is defined in the `.env` file. Make sure your `.env` includes the correct MongoDB connection string ``` bash DATABASE_URL="mongodb+srv://" ``` #### 4. Run Prisma Commands ```bash npx prisma db push ``` #### 5. Done! ## Supabase Setup: #### 1. Create a Supabase Account - Visit [Supabase](, sign up, and create a new project. #### 2. Get API Keys - After creating your project, go to the `API section` or `connect`. - Find `Project URL` and `API Key/anon key` for the following environment variables: ```bash NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL="xxx" NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY="xxx" ``` - Copy these keys and add them to your .env file. #### 3. Create Public Storage Buckets - Navigate to Storage in the Supabase dashboard. - Create three public buckets: `images`, `banners`, and `avatars`. - Set their public access policies so that users can upload and fetch files. Refer to this [detailed guide]( if you need help with configuring storage policies. #### 4. Set Permissions for Buckets - In each bucket, set the policy under `Configuration` to make sure the files can be publicly read. #### 5. That's it! Once done, your Supabase setup is complete and your application will now be able to store and retrieve images. ## Docker This project includes Docker support for easier development and deployment. ### Prerequisites - Docker installed on your machine. ### Usage 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone cd twitter-clone ``` 2. Pull the latest Docker image: ```bash docker pull devdignesh/twitter_clone_nextjs:v1.1.0 ``` 3. Run the Docker container: ```bash docker run -d -p 8000:3000 devdignesh/twitter_clone_nextjs:v1.1.0 ``` 4. Access the application in your browser ```bash http://localhost:8000 ``` ## Contributing Welcome to contribute to our repository! We value your input and appreciate any contributions you make