dfaruque / Serenity.Extra

Name of the repo says that this is an EXTRA of http://serenity.is platform
60 stars 34 forks source link
adminlte asp-net-mvc autocompletion csharp css datetimepicker jquery jquery-ui serenity serenity-platform slickgrid typescript


Name of the repo says that this is an EXTRA of my Beloved https://github.com/volkanceylan/Serenity platform

It is just some useful utilities and some extra functionalities like

How to use (for .net old framework)

  1. Install NuGet Package Serenity.Extra
  2. If want to apply Serenity.Extra css then you could add line in Content\site\CssBundles.json "~/Modules/_Ext/ExtStyles.css"
  3. Change Base/Super classes of Dialog.ts and Grid.ts using following mappings
Serenity Default _Ext
Serenity.EntityGrid _Ext.GridBase
Serenity.EntityDialog _Ext.DialogBase
Common.GridEditorBase _Ext.GridEditorBase
Common.EditorDialogBase _Ext.EditorDialogBase
  1. Add [LookupScript("Administration.User")] on UserRow
  2. Add following line in ScriptInitialization.ts Q.Config.rootNamespaces.push('_Ext');

How to use (for .net 5+)

  1. Copy the Modules/_Ext folder from the SerExtraNet5 project and place it accordingly.
  2. Copy the wwwroot/Modules folder from the SerExtraNet5 project
  3. Add following line in ScriptInitialization.ts Q.Config.rootNamespaces.push('_Ext');
  4. If want to apply Serenity.Extra css then you could add a line in appsettings.bundles.json "~/Modules/_Ext/ExtStyles.css"

How to use (for .net 6+ and ES module)

  1. Copy the Modules/_Ext folder from the SerExtraESM project and place it accordingly.
  2. Copy the wwwroot/lib/_Ext folder from the SerExtraESM project
  3. Add following line in Modules/Common/ScriptInit.ts Q.Config.rootNamespaces.push('_Ext');
  4. If want to apply Serenity.Extra css then you could add a line in appsettings.bundles.json "~/lib/_Ext/ExtStyles.css"
  5. If you want to use code generator custom templates then follow sergen.json file from SerExtraESM project
  6. See LanguageGrid.ts and LanguageDialog.ts for example.


To make a detail grid inline editable

add the following code to Grid.ts

protected getSlickOptions() {
    let opt = super.getSlickOptions();
    opt.editable = true;
    return opt;

To hide a field in a Dialog

use q.hideField(this.form.SomeField).

To disable a field in a Dialog

use Serenity.EditorUtils.setReadOnly(this.form.SomeField, true);

To disable a Dialog

call this.setReadOnly(true); anywhere in your dialog.

To access parent/master dialog from child/detail dialog

Initialize detail editor by using q.initDetailEditor(this, this.form.someDetailField) in dialog's constructor() OR onDialogOpen() overload

Then you should be able to access parent dialog like this.parentEditor.parentDialog

Make sure that you have declared form in parent/master dialog as public

Please explore the code to know more...

Online demo http://serenity-extra.herokuapp.com/