dfsp-spirit / regfusionr

R implementation of registration fusion method for MNI152 - 305 mapping.
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freesurfer fsaverage mni152 mni305 mri neuroimaging registration registration-fusion voltosurf


R implementation of the registration fusion method for MNI152 and Colin27 to fsaverage/MNI305 mapping.

This package supports easy mapping of neuroimgaging data between the volume and surface templates used by the most common software package for structural neuroimaging in R:


This is an R implementation of Wu et al. (2018)'s registration fusion methods to project 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from standard space volumetric coordinates, either MNI152 or Colin27, to Freesurfer's fsaverage (MNI305), and the other way around. Using this non-linear approach gives higher accuracy than the linear transformation with a 4x4 matrix. See the paper for details.

This R implementation is heavily inspired by Dan Gale's Python implementation in the regfusion pypi package. A huge thank you to Dan Gale and Wu et al. for making their excellent tools openly available!



The API of the regfusionr package consists of the following functions:

Usage examples


# Get fsaverage coordinates for the MNI152 RAS coordinates 60.0, 0.0, 10.0 and 0.0, 0.0, 0.0:
mni_ras_coords = matrix(c(60, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE);
res = mni152_coords_to_fsaverage(mni_ras_coords, surface = "white");

See the unit tests for more usage examples, and use the in-built R help (with ?) to see more details on all the parameters and return values, e.g. ?regfusionr::mni152_coords_to_fsaverage.



Minimal installation

This is a minimal installation with reduced functionality that does not require you to install the optional dependencies, which can be hard to install.

Note: If you want to project volume data (e.g., a NIFTI or MGZ volume) to fsaverage surface space, follow the Full Installation instructions below.

If all you want to do is to obtain fsaverage coordinates for MNI152 voxels or coordinates, you can get away without installing the system dependencies because you do not need the trilinear interpolation functions, and all you need to do is:

via remotes:


or using R universe:

options(repos = c(
    dfspspirit = 'https://dfsp-spirit.r-universe.dev',
    CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))


I prefer R universe.

Full installation

This is required to use the vol_to_fsaverage() function.

System Dependencies

You need to install these from your system shell before installing the R package (see below).

For Debian-based Linux distros, run:

sudo apt install libudunits2-dev libgdal-dev

Required system level packages for other systems:

R package

From an R session, via remotes:

remotes::install_github('dfsp-spirit/regfusionr', dependencies = TRUE);

or using R universe:

options(repos = c(
    dfspspirit = 'https://dfsp-spirit.r-universe.dev',
    CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))

install.packages('regfusionr', dependencies = TRUE);

I prefer R universe.

You can also use devtools instead of remotes if you already have it installed. For those who haven't, remotes is a lot smaller and faster to install though.

It's unlikely that this package will go to CRAN soon, it requires some data files which are about 100 MB in total size, and CRAN only supports 5 MB. I know one can work around that, but my time for this is limited. If you prefer to install without remotes/devtools, you can also get regfusionr from my R universe repo.

Unit tests and continuous integration

See the development information file.

Vis1 Fig. 1 Visualization of a central sulcus probability map on the fsaverage surface. The data has been obtained by projecting this probability map in a volume in MNI152 space to the fsaverage surface with the vol_to_fsaverage function.

Getting the fsaverage meshes

In many cases the meshes that you will want to resample to/from are the two hemispheres of the FreeSurfer standard template fsaverage. You have two options to get them:

1) Review the FreeSurfer license, and if you accept it, start an R session, and type: fsbrain::download_fsaverage(accept_freesurfer_license=TRUE) to download only the fsaverage template. It will go into the fsbrain appdata directory in your user home, where regfusionr will find it. Note that you may need to install::packages('fsbrain') first to install fsbrain if you did install regfusionr with the minimal installation (i.e., without the suggested dependency packages that include fsbrain). 2) Download and extract FreeSurfer, get a free license file from their website, and use the fsaverage_path parameter of the fsaverage_to_vol function to point it to <freesurfer_install>/subjects/. That directory should be available as the environment variable $SUBJECTS_DIR after you run the FreeSurfer setup function for your shell.


If all you need is the coordinate mapping and you are fine with a less acurate result, you can use the matrix listed in the FreeSurfer documentation on Coordinate Systems. See section 8b on this website. The method is implemented in this package in the function linear_fsaverage_coords_to_MNI152_coords(). The difference between the results is shown below.

Vis2 Fig. 2 Difference between the regfusionr approach and the linear method. The coordinates of all fsaverage vertices were mapped to MNI152 space using both the regfusionr method and the linear method. The difference between the two methods was computed as the Euclidean distance between the resulting MNI152 coordinates.

The code used to produce the comparison figure is available in this unit test.


Just cite the original Wu et al. paper:

Wu J, Ngo GH, Greve DN, Li J, He T, Fischl B, Eickhoff SB, Yeo BTT. Accurate nonlinear mapping between MNI volumetric and FreeSurfer surface coordinate systems, Human Brain Mapping 39:3793–3808, 2018.