dschmitz89 / simplenlopt

SciPy style API for NLopt
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augmented-lagrangian-method constrained-optimization global-optimization nlopt nonlinear-optimization nonlinear-regression optimization python

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A simple, SciPy like interface for the excellent nonlinear optimization library NLopt to make switching between SciPy and NLopt a piece of cake. SimpleNLopt's functions can act as a drop-in replacement for SciPy functions. Major differences compared to plain NLopt:


Refer to the online documentation for detailed description of the API and examples


pip install simplenlopt

Example: Minimizing the Rosenbrock function in simplenlopt and scipy

import simplenlopt
from scipy.optimize import rosen, rosen_der
import scipy
import numpy as np

x0 = np.array([0.5, 1.8])

res = simplenlopt.minimize(rosen, x0, jac = rosen_der)
print("Found optimum: ", res.x)

res_scipy = scipy.optimize.minimize(rosen, x0, jac = rosen_der)
print("Found optimum: ", res_scipy.x)