dspace-group / dsV2Gshark

Free Wireshark plugin to analyze ISO15118 V2G communication between electric vehicles (EV) and charging stations (EVSE).
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charging din70121 emobility iso15118 v2g vehicle-to-grid wireshark-lua wireshark-plugin

dSPACE V2Gshark Wireshark Plugin

Release dSPACE


This Wireshark plugin allows to analyze and decode packets between electric vehicles (EV) and charging stations (EVSE), also known as V2G messages.

ISO 15118-2 Overview



Live TLS Decryption

The plugin processes a TLS master secret disclosure packet after handshake to decode the following V2G session.
The disclosure message is a UDP packet within the source port range 49152-65535 (see Wireshark protocol settings) containing the ASCII string CLIENT_RANDOM <32-byte client random> <48-byte master secret> as payload data (TLS 1.2). This disclosure message has to be sent from one of the communication partners in a testing environment.
For TLS 1.3 decryption you have to provide different secrets: CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET, SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET, EXPORTER_SECRET, CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_<number>, SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_<number>. You can send one UDP packet for each secret or combine the secrets in one UDP packet (separated by line breaks).
In order to autodecrypt charging sessions using non-GUI versions of Wireshark (e.g. tshark), the full PCAP must be parsed twice. This is because there is no matching redissection trigger available in the Wireshark API.

Wireshark I/O Graph

This optional feature updates the Wireshark I/O Graph preferences to display a V2G session. The graph can be accessed via 'Statistics' -> 'I/O Graphs' (shortcut: Alt + S + I).
The graph displays the data in 1 second intervals. This can be changed using the drop down menu at the bottom.
To simplify the visualisation, some V2G related signals (e.g., MaxVoltage) are disabled by default. They can be enabled using the check boxes in the selection view.
Click on a packet in the graph to inspect it in the Wireshark main window. Press the SPACE key to activate a helper line on the graph if you need more precision.


Installation notes



Further notes


Message Inspection

ISO 15118-2 CurrentDemand

Certificate Details

ISO 15118-2 Certificates

Message Validation

ISO 15118-20 Message Validation

Live TLS Decryption

ISO 15118-2 Live TLS

Filter Buttons

Filter Buttons

Plugin Preferences

Plugin Preferences

Wireshark I/O Graph

I/O Graph

HomePlug AV LLC Diagnostics

I/O Graph