duct-framework / logger.timbre

Integrant methods for the Timbre logging library
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clojure duct integrant logging timbre

Duct logger.timbre

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Integrant multimethods for setting up a Timbre logger for the Duct framework.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[duct/logger.timbre "0.5.0"]

Basic usage

The Timbre configuration is stored in the :duct.logger/timbre key. See the configuration section of the Timbre README for full explanation.

Three additional keys are defined that reference core Timbre logging appenders:

The brief appender prints to STDOUT only the log message without timestamp or any other information. It's most useful during development.

The println and spit appenders are appenders that come with Timbre. See the built-in appenders section of the Timbre README.

All the appenders also accept a :min-level option, so you can one appender that logs everything, and another appender that logs more selectively.

A basic configuration that logs messages of "INFO" and above to STDOUT looks like this:

 {:level     :info
  :appenders {:println #ig/ref :duct.logger.timbre/println}}

 :duct.logger.timbre/println {}}

When this configuration is initiated with integrant.core/init, the :duct.logger/timbre key is replaced with an implementation of the duct.logger/Logger protocol. See the duct.logger library for how to make use of this.

Legacy integration

It's often useful to integrate with existing logging solutions. In this case, we can set the :set-root-config? option to true:

 {:set-root-config? true
  :level            :info
  :appenders        {:println #ig/ref :duct.logger.timbre/println}}

 :duct.logger.timbre/println {}}

This will call the global taoensso.timbre/set-config! function on init with the configuration in the key, and restore the previous global configuration on halt!.

Note that as this changes a global var, only one system can be running with this option at any one time. Unless you need to interface with legacy global logging systems, it's recommended you keep this option off and use the duct.logger/log function for logging.


Copyright © 2021 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.