eclipse / paho.mqtt.golang

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Eclipse Paho MQTT Go client

This repository contains the source code for the Eclipse Paho MQTT 3.1/3.11 Go client library.

This code builds a library which enable applications to connect to an MQTT broker to publish messages, and to subscribe to topics and receive published messages.

This library supports a fully asynchronous mode of operation.

A client supporting MQTT V5 is also available.

Installation and Build

The process depends upon whether you are using modules (recommended) or GOPATH.


If you are using modules then import "" and start using it. The necessary packages will be download automatically when you run go build.

Note that the latest release will be downloaded and changes may have been made since the release. If you have encountered an issue, or wish to try the latest code for another reason, then run go get to get the latest commit.


Installation is as easy as:

go get

The client depends on Google's proxy package and the websockets package, also easily installed with the commands:

go get
go get

Usage and API

Detailed API documentation is available by using to godoc tool, or can be browsed online using the service.

Samples are available in the cmd directory for reference.


The library also supports using MQTT over websockets by using the ws:// (unsecure) or wss:// (secure) prefix in the URI. If the client is running behind a corporate http/https proxy then the following environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY are taken into account when establishing the connection.


If you are new to MQTT and your application is not working as expected reviewing the MQTT specification, which this library implements, is a good first step. has some good resources that answer many common questions.

Error Handling

The asynchronous nature of this library makes it easy to forget to check for errors. Consider using a go routine to log these:

t := client.Publish("topic", qos, retained, msg)
go func() {
    _ = t.Wait() // Can also use '<-t.Done()' in releases > 1.2.0
    if t.Error() != nil {
        log.Error(t.Error()) // Use your preferred logging technique (or just fmt.Printf)


If you are encountering issues then enabling logging, both within this library and on your broker, is a good way to begin troubleshooting. This library can produce various levels of log by assigning the logging endpoints, ERROR, CRITICAL, WARN and DEBUG. For example:

func main() {
    mqtt.ERROR = log.New(os.Stdout, "[ERROR] ", 0)
    mqtt.CRITICAL = log.New(os.Stdout, "[CRIT] ", 0)
    mqtt.WARN = log.New(os.Stdout, "[WARN]  ", 0)
    mqtt.DEBUG = log.New(os.Stdout, "[DEBUG] ", 0)

    // Connect, Subscribe, Publish etc..

Common Problems

If using Mosquitto then there are a range of fairly common issues:

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs by raising issues for this project in github

A limited number of contributors monitor the issues section so if you have a general question please see the resources in the more information section for help.

We welcome bug reports, but it is important they are actionable. A significant percentage of issues reported are not resolved due to a lack of information. If we cannot replicate the problem then it is unlikely we will be able to fix it. The information required will vary from issue to issue but almost all bug reports would be expected to include:

If at all possible please also include:

It is important to remember that this library does not stand alone; it communicates with a broker and any issues you are seeing may be due to:

When submitting an issue, please ensure that you provide sufficient details to enable us to eliminate causes outside of this library.


We welcome pull requests but before your contribution can be accepted by the project, you need to create and electronically sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) and sign off on the Eclipse Foundation Certificate of Origin.

More information is available in the Eclipse Development Resources; please take special note of the requirement that the commit record contain a "Signed-off-by" entry.

More information

Stack Overflow has a range questions/answers covering a range of common issues (both relating to use of this library and MQTT in general). This is the best place to ask general questions (including those relating to the use of this library).

Discussion of the Paho clients takes place on the Eclipse paho-dev mailing list.

General questions about the MQTT protocol are discussed in the MQTT Google Group.

There is much more information available via the MQTT community site.