elasticio / maester-client

The official object-storage client library for sailor-nodejs.
Apache License 2.0
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Maester Client

The official Elastic.io object-storage client.


This library propose you two clients: ObjectStorage & ObjectStorageWrapper. Use ObjectStorageWrapper to operate with data like string, number, object, array Use ObjectStorage to operate attachments (also could be used for same purpose as ObjectStorageWrapper)

Note: All the code snippets written in Typescript

Environment variables

REQUEST_MAX_RETRY - specifies amount of tries to repeat failed request if server/connection error occurred.
Default value: 2. Min value: 0. Max value: 4. If entered value is out of limits - default value will be used.

REQUEST_TIMEOUT - specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out. If the request takes longer than 'timeout', the request will be aborted.
Default value: 10000 (10s). Min value: 500 (0.5s). Max value: 20000 (20s). If entered value is out of limits - default value will be used.

Create client

import { ObjectStorage, ObjectStorageWrapper } from '@elastic.io/maester-client';

const objectStorageWrapper = new ObjectStorageWrapper(this);
const objectStorage = new ObjectStorage(creds);

ObjectStorageWrapper CRUD operations

Create object

The method has the following signature:

async createObject(data: object, queryHeaders?: Header[], metaHeaders?: Header[], ttl?: number)


const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.createObject(data);
const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.createObject(data, [], [], 100000);
const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.createObject(
  [{key: 'somequeriablefieldkey', value: 'somequeriablefieldvalue'}],
  [{key: 'somemetakey', value: 'somemetavalue'}],
const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.createObject(
  [{key: 'anotherqueriablefieldkey', value: 'anotherqueriablefieldvalue'}, {key: 'anotherqueriablefieldkey2', value: 'anotherqueriablefieldvalue2'}],
  [{key: 'somemetakey', value: 'somemetavalue'}],

Read operations

Get object by ID

Returns JSON object. The method has the following signature:

async lookupObjectById(id: string)


const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.lookupObjectById(id);

Get objects by query parameters

The method has the following signature:

async lookupObjectsByQueryParameters(headers: Header[])


If you create an object with a queriable headers, internally it looks like this:

x-query-somequeriablefieldkey: somequeriablefieldvalue
x-query-anotherqueriablefieldkey: anotherqueriablefieldvalue

where 'x-query-' is a default prefix.

Using Maester REST API you can find this object by:


Using the library:

const objects = await objectStorageWrapper.lookupObjectsByQueryParameters([
  { key: 'somequeriablefieldkey', value: 'somequeriablefieldvalue' },
  { key: 'anotherqueriablefieldkey', value: 'anotherqueriablefieldvalue' }

The method returns an array of items. It either is empty in case no objects found or contains objects

Update object

The method has the following signature:

async updateObject(id: string, data: object, queryHeaders?: Header[], metaHeaders?: Header[])


const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.updateObject(id, data);
const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.updateObject(
  [{ key: 'somequeriablefieldkey', value: 'somequeriablefieldvalue' }, { key: 'anotherqueriablefieldkey', value: 'anotherqueriablefieldvalue' }]
const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.updateObject(
  [{key: 'anotherqueriablefieldkey', value: 'anotherqueriablefieldvalue'}, {key: 'anotherqueriablefieldkey2', value: 'anotherqueriablefieldvalue2'}],
  [{key: 'somemetakey', value: 'somemetavalue'}]

Delete operations

Delete object by ID

The method has the following signature:

async deleteObjectById(id: string)


const obj = await objectStorageWrapper.deleteObjectById(id);

Delete objects by query parameters

The method has the following signature:

async deleteObjectsByQueryParameters(headers: Header[])


ObjectStorage CRUD operations

Create Object

The method has the following signature:

async add(dataOrFunc: uploadData | (() => Promise<Readable>), reqWithBodyOptions?: ReqWithBodyOptions)


const obj = await objectStorage.add(data, { headers: {'x-query-somequeriablefieldkey': 'somequeriablefieldvalue'} });
const getAttachAsStream = async () => (await axios.get('https://img.jpg', { responseType: 'stream' })).data;
const obj = await objectStorage.add(getAttachAsStream, { retryOptions: { retriesCount: 5, requestTimeout: 60000 } });

Read operations

Get object by ID

The method has the following signature:

async getOne(objectId: string, reqOptions: ReqOptions = {})


const { data, headers } = await objectStorage.getOne(id);
const { data: stream, headers } = await objectStorage.getOne(id, { responseType: 'stream'});

Get objects by query parameters

The method has the following signature:

async getAllByParams(params: object, reqOptions: ReqOptions = {})



const obj = await objectStorage.getAllByParams({ 'query[field]': 'value' });

The method returns an array of items. It either is empty in case no objects found or contains objects

Update Object

The method has the following signature:

async update(objectId: string, dataOrFunc: uploadData | (() => Promise<Readable>), reqWithBodyOptions?: ReqWithBodyOptions)


const obj = await objectStorage.update(data, { headers: {'x-query-somequeriablefieldkey': 'somequeriablefieldvalue'} });
const getAttachAsStream = async () => (await axios.get('https://img.jpg', { responseType: 'stream' })).data;
const obj = await objectStorage.update(getAttachAsStream);

Delete operations

Delete object by ID

The method has the following signature:

async deleteOne(objectId: string, reqOptions: ReqOptions = {})


const obj = await objectStorage.deleteOne(id);
const obj = await objectStorage.deleteOne(id, { retryOptions: { retriesCount: 5, requestTimeout: 60000 } });

Delete objects by query parameters

The method has the following signature:

async deleteAllByParams(params: object, reqOptions: ReqOptions = {})


Additional methods

Use method

The method has the following signature:

async use(forward: TransformMiddleware, reverse: TransformMiddleware)


getHeaders method

The method has the following signature:

async getHeaders(objectId: string, reqOptions: ReqOptions = {})


Handling errors

All errors thrown by library are instances of ObjectStorageClientError class. Check exported Errors property for a list of all errors classes and their properties.


  1. Both ObjectStorage and ObjectStorageWrapper could'n process undefined as values for upsert value. Also value undefined in array will be converted to null, e.g [1, 'str', undefined, null, { d: 2 }] will be saved as [1, 'str', null, null, { d: 2 }]
  2. Once object was created with custom 'content-type', be aware 'content-type' could be changed automatically with next update request of this object. To avoid that provide custom 'content-type' again with next update request.
    E.g if you created objected like this const objectId = await objectStorage.add({ a: 2 }, { headers: { 'content-type': 'some-type' } }) - object will be stored with 'content-type': 'some-type'. But if you are going to update this object without passing same custom 'content-type' (await objectStorage.update(objectId, { a: 3 })) - object 'content-type' will be calculated automatically, and in this case will be set to 'application/json'.