erikw / tmux-dark-notify

A plugin that make tmux's theme follow macOS dark/light mode.
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dark-light-mode macos theme tmux tmux-plugin tpm

tmux-dark-notify - Make tmux's theme follow macOS dark/light mode

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This tmux tpm plugin will change the tmux theme automatically when the system changes the light/dark mode. Configure a light and a dark theme and the plugin will take care of the rest!

Demo of changing system theme

For example I use a Solarized in all my programs that support it. For tmux I use seebi/tmux-colors-solarized which is locally cloned (in my dotfiles as a submodule). This tmux theme repo provides a light theme tmuxcolors-light.conf and a dark theme tmuxcolors-dark.conf. With this tmux plugin, I have configured so that when the system appearance mode changes, the corresponding tmux theme will be used.

Hats off to dark-notify which this plugin is built up on!



Setup steps

  1. Make sure all requirements above are installed and working already.
  2. Configure tmux-dark-notify in tmux.conf

    • To install the plugin, add a line
      set -g @plugin 'erikw/tmux-dark-notify'
    • Now you must configure the paths for the light/dark themes you want to use. I personally have seebi/tmux-colors-solarized installed as a TPM plugin. NOTE that in the tmux.conf any themes must be set up before tmux-dark-notify, otherwise they might override the theme set by this plugin. . Change the paths below to your themes.
      set -g @dark-notify-theme-path-light '$HOME/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-colors-solarized/tmuxcolors-light.conf'
      set -g @dark-notify-theme-path-dark '$HOME/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-colors-solarized/tmuxcolors-dark.conf'
    • To cover some corner cases e.g. if you use the plugin tmux-reset or another TPM plugin sets the theme itself, I recommend adding this explicit source of the theme as well as a fallback in case this plugin is not run in all scenarios. The if-shell condition is there because the symlink won't be there the very first time until tmux-dark-notify has run. It should be placed after TPM is initialized, because the ordering of plugin initialization is not guaranteed. Remove any other source-file for theme you have of course!

      run-shell '~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm' # Or however you source tpm.
      if-shell "test -e ~/.local/state/tmux/tmux-dark-notify-theme.conf" \
        "source-file ~/.local/state/tmux/tmux-dark-notify-theme.conf"
    • Thus in summary, the relevant section of you tmux.conf could look like this (including the theme I use)

      set -g @plugin 'seebi/tmux-colors-solarized'
      set -g @plugin 'erikw/tmux-dark-notify'
      set -g @dark-notify-theme-path-light '$HOME/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-colors-solarized/tmuxcolors-light.conf'
      set -g @dark-notify-theme-path-dark '$HOME/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-colors-solarized/tmuxcolors-dark.conf'
      run-shell '~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm' # Or however you source tpm.
      if-shell "test -e ~/.local/state/tmux/tmux-dark-notify-theme.conf" \
        "source-file ~/.local/state/tmux/tmux-dark-notify-theme.conf"
  3. Install the plugin with <prefix>I, unless you changed tpm's keybindings.
  4. Try toggle the system's appearance mode from System Settings and see that the tmux theme is changing
    • To verify, you can ls -l ~/.local/state/tmux/tmux-dark-notify-theme.conf to see that it is linked to the light or dark theme you configured.

Tips on more light/dark mode configuration

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