eternagame / eterna-next

The Eterna citizen science platform for RNA design
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The Eterna citizen science platform for RNA design

To start 3rd party Services Locally

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Common Commands

This repository is structured as a monorepo, using NPM Workspaces and Nx to manage its components. Here are some common actions you might want to take:

Running Apps

Run npx nx dev <package-name> to run an application package, automatically reloading when changes occur.

Run npx nx start <package-name> to run after building the package (with dependencies) without reloading.


Run npx nx build <package-name> to build a package. This will also build any dependencies of the package.

Run npx nx build:watch <package-name> to build a package and rebuild when files are changed. This will also build any dependencies of the package.

Linting and Formatting

Run npx nx lint <package-name> to run linting for a package via ESLint.

Run npx nx lint <package-name> --fix to run linting with automatic fixes


Run npx nx test <package-name> to execute unit/component tests for a package via Vitest or Cypress (depending on which is configured for the package).

Run npx nx test:watch <package-name> to execute unit/component tests for a package in watch mode (Vitest only).

Run npx nx test:cov <package-name> to execute unit/component tests and report code coverage for a package in watch mode (Vitest only).

Run npx nx test:ui <package-name> to execute unit/component tests for a package using the UI-based test runner (Cypress only).

Run npx nx affected:test to execute unit/component tests for all packages affected by a code change.

Run npx nx e2e <package-name> to execute end to end tests in a package, if configured.

Run npx nx affected:e2e to execute all end to end tests in packages affected by a code change.

Code Generation

You can use the Eterna Nx plugin to automatically create and update files, including adding new packages.

To see the available generators, run npx nx list @eternagame/nx-plugin. To run a given generator, run npx nx generate <generator> (eg, npx nx generate ts-iso). Running npx nx generate <generator> --help will show available options for that generator. In particular, if generating a new package, you may want to pass the --directory flag to put the package in a specific subdirectory of the packages directory if you don't want it placed in the root.

Updating Dependencies

When upgrading @eternagame/nx-plugin, there may be changes to the repository that should be made when updating. This process is automated, and can be done via npx nx migrate @eternagame/nx-plugin@latest and then (if necessary) npx nx migrate --run-migrations after reviewing the changes to be made in the migrations.json.

When upgrading nx, you may also want to run migrations for it as well (eg, npx nx migrate nx@latest), though you most likely will not need to if you don't customize any Nx configuration files. Note that @eternagame/nx-plugin has nx as a peer dependency - if the latest version of nx is beyond its requirement and you want to upgrade to a more recent version that is allowed, you'll need to specify a version like npx nx migrate nx@version.

For updating other dependencies, you may want to use npx npm-check-updates --deep --peer

If you're on a unix-like system and want to remove all nested node_modules folders, you can run find . -type d -name node_modules -prune | xargs rm -r