ethan0905 / ft_transcendence

Fully explained concepts, to save time on ft_transcendance!
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42-school docker javascript nestjs typescript



Project is in progress.. The final readme will come soon
From today you can use it to understand the basic concepts for the backend
I am gonna explain progressively how to install the basic structure of the project, using NestJS, PostgreSQL, Prisma for the backend, and ReactJS for the frontend.

āš™ļø How to run the project?

  1. Run make to install node_modules + to build the dockerized app
  2. On a different terminal, after the project has been built, in the /project folder run make gotoc to go inside the backend container.
  3. Run npx prisma studio to run the viewer for db.
  4. Go to your navigator:
    --> localhost:3000: for the frontend --> localhost:5555: for prisma studio

If you have any trouble running the project, try Ctrl^C + removing the node_modules (make clean_modules) then rebuild the docker.

šŸ“” Summary

šŸ—ļø How to build a web app?

At first, I didn't know where to start, so here are the steps to follow if you want to properly build your web application. The following instructions are precious, and could save you some time.

  1. Install your frontend using the ReactJs framework
  2. Dockerize your frontend (check my documentation on how to dynamicaly reload your page)
  3. When this is done, install your backend using NestJs, PostgreSQL and Prisma ORM
  4. Dockerize your backend (check my documentation on how to install your backend)
  5. Then, finish by linking your frontend to your backend. Dockerize your full app from the root of the repository.

Now that you have the project logic, we gonna go deeper into the building of your web application.
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Potential mistakes!

Error validating field `post` in model `CategoriesOnPosts`: The relation field `post` on model `CategoriesOnPosts` is missing an opposite relation field on the model `Post`. Either run `prisma format` or add it manually.

This is coming from the prisma schema which is not well formated. Don't forget to add this line:

model Post {
  id         Int                 @id @default(autoincrement())
  title      String
  // categories CategoriesOnPosts[] // <-- add this line to fix the issue

model Category {
  id    Int                 @id @default(autoincrement())
  name  String
  posts CategoriesOnPosts[]

model CategoriesOnPosts {
  post       Post     @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id]) // <-- the error comes from here 
  postId     Int // relation scalar field (used in the `@relation` attribute above)
  category   Category @relation(fields: [categoryId], references: [id])
  categoryId Int // relation scalar field (used in the `@relation` attribute above)
  assignedAt DateTime @default(now())
  assignedBy String

  @@id([postId, categoryId])

šŸ—ƒļø ressources

docker and react live reload

postgres install

install dockerize app with nestjs/postgreSQL and prisma

nestjs api

Troubles dockerizing your app on Mac m1 chips?

Interesting forum
pb1: un packet propre a l'architecture macos arm64 encore dans mon package.json (qui empechait mon backend de se lancer)
pb2: le port 5432 qui etait pas accessible depuis mon back (il fallait remplacer localhost par ma db_name, et le port 5434 par le port 5432)

install prisma studio inside docker-compose
npm i -D @prisma/cli@dev
go inside container, copy the schema.prisma config in /schema.prisma.
run docker cp backend/prisma/schema.prisma backend_prisma:/schema.prisma
run docker exec backend_prisma npx prisma migrate dev
go on the localhost:5555 and it should be good

how to switch from yarn package manager to npm?


to understand the logic:
then could not display the qr code on my page because of len overflow (too much data stored). So i managed to open a new window to show it.
input field for the code: