fbiego / esp32-c3-mini

A demo LVGL Watch project for ESP32 C3 mini 240*240 touch display development board. Can also be built natively to test the LVGL UI.
MIT License
147 stars 35 forks source link
ble chronos esp32 lvgl native platformio platformio-ide ui


A demo LVGL Watch project for ESP32 C3 mini 240*240 touch display development board. Can also be built natively to test the LVGL UI.


Screens Preview






"Analog" "Shadow" "Blue"
"Radar" "Outline" "Red"
"Tix" "Pixel" "Smart"
"Kenya" "B & W" "WFB"

Check out esp32-lvgl-watchface project to see how watchfaces are converted from binary to LVGL code. You can add more watchfaces but you will be limited by the ESP32 flash size. In that case you can only compile your favorite watchfaces. Links to the pre-built binary watchfaces are included. Enable them in app_hal.h according to your build platform.

Chronos App

This is needed for additional functions on esp32 hardware as listed below.

Click to download

App functions (ESP32)