fjerbi / CodeIgniter3-online-shop

A full e-commerce project built with CI3 HMVC with Email confirmation,Paypal payement , Ion Auth , Live Chatroom and full admin dashboard
MIT License
164 stars 92 forks source link
codeigniter codeigniter-ecommerce codeigniter-hmvc codeigniter3 ecommerce ecommerce-application ecommerce-website hmvc hmvc-framework ion ion-auth paypal-express-checkout paypal-ipn php7 shopping-cart



1-Clone the project to your htdocs directory

2-Configure the Database(application/config/database.php)

3-Configure the config file(application/config/config.php)


Email configuration : -Configure the email configuration file(application/config/email.php) for the forgotten password and validating register with the email

-PayPal configuration :

-Configure your sandbox.paypal account or your paypal account (application/modules/parametres_web/controllers/Parametre_web.php)

Admin Dashboard

To access the admin dashboard (yourprojecturl/auth/login)



Note :

The database is an .sql file in the root folder of the project, it might take some time because it contains a huge amount of data, import the file in your database and wait for it.

Tutorial :