fre-sch / mhw_armor_edit

Editor for equipment, armors, weapons for the game Monster Hunter: World
The Unlicense
40 stars 7 forks source link
armor editor equipment game-modding modding monster-hunter-world weapon

MHW Editor Suite

Edit MHW game data.

Note that this requires extracting the game chunk data using worldchunktool.

Using the Editor

Due to overly simplistic anti-virus detection the releases might be detected as virus, trojans or similar. This is due to anti-virus software falsely flagging how pyinstaller bundles applications. See the pyinstaller github for more information.

Download the latest release, extract and run MHW-Editor-Suite.exe.

The game loads the chunks incremental, and each chunk overwrites files in previous chunks. Loosely speaking, the game loads files in chunk0, then loads files in chunk1 replacing all files it loaded from chunk1, then it loads files in chunk2 again replacing all files it loaded from chunk0 or chunk1, until it has loaded all chunks.

So to get the full database (so-to-speak), you should do the same:

Supported file formats:

Setup for Development

The following is only relevant if having this repository checked out for development.



  1. Create virtual python env
  2. Run pip install requirements.txt
  3. Activate virtual env
  4. Run src/mhw_armor_edit/


  1. Create virtual python env
  2. Run pip install requirements.txt
  3. Activate virtual env
  4. Run pyinstaller suite.spec
  5. Result is application in dist/MHW-Editor-Suite