fregu856 / segmentation

TensorFlow implementation of ENet, trained on the Cityscapes dataset.
MIT License
244 stars 73 forks source link
autonomous-driving computer-vision deep-learning semantic-segmentation tensorflow


TensorFlow implementation of ENet ( based on the official Torch implementation ( and the Keras implementation by PavlosMelissinos (, trained on the Cityscapes dataset (

You might get the error "No gradient defined for operation 'MaxPoolWithArgmax_1' (op type: MaxPoolWithArgmax)". To fix this, I had to add the following code to the file /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/

def _MaxPoolGradWithArgmax(op, grad, unused_argmax_grad):  
  return gen_nn_ops._max_pool_grad_with_argmax(op.inputs[0], grad, op.outputs[1], op.get_attr("ksize"), op.get_attr("strides"), padding=op.get_attr("padding"))  


Training details:

Training on Microsoft Azure:

To train the model, I used an NC6 virtual machine on Microsoft Azure. Below I have listed what I needed to do in order to get started, and some things I found useful. For reference, my username was 'fregu856':


GPUIDS="0" NAME="fregu856_GPU"

NV_GPU="$GPUIDS" nvidia-docker run -it --rm \ -p 5584:5584 \ --name "$NAME""$GPUIDS" \ -v /home/fregu856:/root/ \ tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu bash

- /root/ will now be mapped to /home/fregu856 (i.e., $ cd -- takes you to the regular home folder). 

- To start the image:
- - $ sudo sh 
- To commit changes to the image:
- - Open a new terminal window.
- - $ sudo docker commit fregu856_GPU0 tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu
- To stop the image when it’s running:
- - $ sudo docker stop fregu856_GPU0
- To exit the image without killing running code:
- - Ctrl-P + Q
- To get back into a running image:
- - $ sudo docker attach fregu856_GPU0
- To open more than one terminal window at the same time:
- - $ sudo docker exec -it fregu856_GPU0 bash

- To install the needed software inside the docker image:
- - $ apt-get update
- - $ apt-get install nano
- - $ apt-get install sudo
- - $ apt-get install wget
- - $ sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv
- - Commit changes to the image (otherwise, the installed packages will be removed at exit!)