friendly-bits / geoip-shell

User-friendly and flexible geoip blocker for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
86 stars 3 forks source link
firewall geoblock geoip iptables linux nftables openwrt shell


Geoip blocker for Linux. Supports both nftables and iptables firewall management utilities.

The idea of this project is making geoip blocking easy on (almost) any Linux system, no matter which hardware, including desktop, server, VPS or router, while also being reliable and providing flexible configuration options for the advanced users.

Supports running on OpenWrt. Supports ipv4 and ipv6.

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Table of contents

Main Features


Read more: - Default source for ip lists is RIPE, which allows to avoid dependency on non-official 3rd parties. - With nftables, utilizes nftables atomic rules replacement to make the interaction with the system firewall fault-tolerant and to completely eliminate time when geoip is disabled during an automatic update. - All scripts perform extensive error detection and handling. - All user input is validated to reduce the chance of accidental mistakes. - Verifies firewall rules coherence after each action. - Automatic backup of geoip-shell state (optional, enabled by default except on OpenWrt). - Automatic recovery of geoip-shell firewall rules after a reboot (a.k.a persistence) or in case of unexpected errors. - Supports specifying trusted ip addresses anywhere on the Internet which will bypass geoip blocking to make it easier to regain access to the machine if something goes wrong.


Read more: - With nftables, optimizes geoip blocking for low memory consumption or for performance, depending on the RAM capacity of the machine and on user preference. With iptables, automatic optimization is implemented. - Ip list parsing and validation are implemented through efficient regex processing which is very quick even on slow embedded CPU's. - Implements smart update of ip lists via data timestamp checks, which avoids unnecessary downloads and reconfiguration of the firewall. - Uses the "prerouting" hook in kernel's netfilter component which shortens the path unwanted packets travel in the system and may reduce the CPU load if any additional firewall rules process incoming traffic down the line. - Supports the 'ipdeny' source which provides aggregated ip lists (useful for embedded devices with limited memory). - Scripts are only active for a short time when invoked either directly by the user or by the init script/reboot cron job/update cron job.


Read more: - Extensive and (usually) up-to-date documentation. - Comes with an uninstall script which completely removes the suite and the geoip firewall rules. No restart is required. - Sane settings are applied during installation by default, but also lots of command-line options for advanced users or for special corner cases are provided. - Pre-installation, provides a utility _( to check whether specific ip addresses you might want to blacklist or whitelist are indeed included in the ip lists fetched from the source (RIPE or ipdeny). - Post-installation, provides a utility (symlinked to _'geoip-shell'_) for the user to change geoip config (turn geoip on or off, change country codes, change geoip blocking mode, change ip lists source, change the cron schedule etc). - Post-installation, provides a command _('geoip-shell status')_ to check geoip blocking status, which also reports if there are any issues. - In case of an error or invalid user input, provides useful error messages to help with troubleshooting. - All main scripts display detailed 'usage' info when executed with the '-h' option. - The code should be fairly easy to read and includes a healthy amount of comments.


Read more: - Supports running on OpenWrt. - The project avoids using non-common utilities by implementing their functionality in custom shell code, which makes it faster and compatible with a wider range of systems.


NOTE: Installation can be run interactively, which does not require any command line arguments and gathers the important config via dialog with the user. Alternatively, config may be provided via command-line arguments.

Some features are only accessible via command-line arguments. To find out more, use sh -h or read and

(Note that some commands require root privileges, so you will likely need to run them with sudo)

1) If your system doesn't have curl, wget or (OpenWRT utility) uclient-fetch, install one of them using your distribution's package manager (for Debian and derivatives: apt-get install curl). Systems which only have iptables also require the ipset utility (apt-get install ipset).

2) Download the latest realease: Unless you are installing on OpenWrt, download Source code (zip or tar.gz). For installation on OpenWrt, read the OpenWrt README.

Or download using the command line:

  • either run git clone - this will include all the latest changes but may not always be stable

  • or to download the latest release (requires curl):

    curl -L "$(curl -s | grep -m1 -o '[^"]*')" > geoip-shell.tar.gz

  • to extract, run: tar -xvf geoip-shell.tar.gz

3) Extract all files included in the release into the same folder somewhere in your home directory and cd into that directory in your terminal.

4) For interactive installation, run sh

NOTE: If the install script says that your shell is incompatible but you have another compatible shell installed, use it instead of sh to call the -install script. For example: dash Check out Pre-Requisites for a list of compatible shells. If you don't have one of these installed, use your package manager to install one (you don't need to make it your default shell).

Examples for non-interactive installation options:

  • installing on a server located in Germany, which has nftables and is behind a firewall (no direct WAN connection), whitelist Germany and Italy and block all other countries:

    sh -m whitelist -c "DE IT" -r DE -i all -l auto -O performance

  • installing on a router located in the US, blacklist Germany and Netherlands and allow all other countries:

    sh -m blacklist -c "DE NL" -r US -i pppoe-wan

  • if you prefer to fetch the ip lists from a specific source, add -u <source> to the arguments, where <source> is ripe or ipdeny.

  • to block or allow specific ports or ports ranges, use <[tcp|udp]:[allow|block]:[ports]>. This option may be used twice in one command to specify ports for both tcp and udp (for examples, read, sections 9-11).

  • to exclude certain trusted ip addresses or subnets on the internet from geoip blocking, add -t <"[trusted_ips]"> to the arguments

  • if your machine uses nftables, depending on the RAM capacity of the machine and the number and size of the ip lists, consider installing with the -O performance or -O memory option. This will create nft sets optimized either for performance or for low memory consumption. By default, when the machine has more than 2GiB of memory, the performance option is used, otherwise the memory option is used.

  • if your distro (or you) have enabled automatic nftables/iptables rules persistence, you can disable the built-in cron-based persistence feature by adding the -n (for no-persistence) option when running the -install script.

  • if your system has nftables installed and also a package like xtables-compat (utilizing the nft_compat module) which allows to manage the nftables backend using iptables rules, you can override the geoip-shell default to directly utilize the nftables backend with option -w ipt. This will create iptables rules and ipsets for geoip-shell rather than nftables rules and sets. You will need the ipset utility installed for this.

  • if for some reason you need to install geoip-shell in strictly non-interactive mode, you can call the install script with the -z option which will avoid asking the user any questions. geoip-shell will get installed but initial setup will fail if required config is incomplete or invalid.

5) The install script will ask you several questions to configure the installation, then initiate download and application of the ip lists. If you are not sure how to answer some of the questions, read

6) That's it! By default, ip lists will be updated daily around 4:15am local time (to avoid everyone loading the servers at the same time, the default minute is randomized to +-5 precision at the time of initial setup and the seconds are randomized at the time of automatic update).


(Note that all commands require root privileges, so you will likely need to run them with sudo)

Generally, once the installation completes, you don't have to do anything else for geoip blocking to work (if you installed via an OpenWrt ipk package, read the OpenWrt README).

If you want to change geoip blocking config or check geoip blocking status, you can do that via the provided utilities. A selection of options is given here, for additional options run geoip-shell -h or read NOTES.mdand

To check current geoip blocking status: geoip-shell status. For a list of all firewall rules in the geoip chain and for a detailed count of ip ranges in each ip list: geoip-shell status -v.

To add or remove ip lists for countries: geoip-shell <add|remove> -c <"country_codes">


  • example (to add ip lists for Germany and Netherlands): geoip-shell add -c "DE NL"
  • example (to remove the ip list for Germany): geoip-shell remove -c DE

To enable or disable geoip blocking: geoip-shell <on|off>

To change ip lists source: geoip-shell configure -u <ripe|ipdeny>

To change geoip blocking mode: geoip-shell configure -m <whitelist|blacklist>

To have certain trusted ip addresses or subnets bypass geoip blocking: geoip-shell configure -t <["ip_addresses"]|none>. none removes previously set trusted ip addresses.

To have certain LAN ip addresses or subnets bypass geoip blocking: geoip-shell configure -l <["ip_addresses"]|auto|none>. auto will automatically detect LAN subnets (only use this if the machine has no dedicated WAN interfaces). none removes previously set LAN ip addresses. This is only needed when using geoip-shell in whitelist mode, and typically only if the machine has no dedicated WAN network interfaces. Otherwise you should apply geoip blocking only to those WAN interfaces, so traffic from your LAN to the machine will bypass the geoip filter.

To change protocols and ports geoblocking applies to: geoip-shell configure -p <[tcp|udp]:[allow|block]:[all|<ports>]>

(for detailed description of this feature, read, sections 9-11)

To enable or change the automatic update schedule: geoip-shell configure -s <"schedule_expression">


geoip-shell configure -s "1 4 * * *"

To disable automatic updates of ip lists: geoip-shell configure -s disable

To update or re-install geoip-shell: run the -install script from the (updated) distribution directory. It will first run the -uninstall script of the older/existing version, then install the new version.

To uninstall:

On OpenWrt, if installed via an ipk package: opkg uninstall <geoip-shell|geoip-shell-iptables>


(if a pre-requisite is missing, the script will tell you which)

Optional: the optional script requires grepcidr. install it with apt install grepcidr on Debian and derivatives. For other distros, use their built-in package manager.


For some helpful notes about using this suite, read

In detail

For specifics about each script, read


For information about OpenWrt support, read the OpenWrt README.


geoip-shell does not share your data with anyone. If you are using the ipdeny source then note that they are a 3rd party which has its own data privacy policy.
