gastonmesseri / numerable

Number formatting library for Javascript and Node.js apps
MIT License
82 stars 1 forks source link
currency format formatting internationalization javascript number parse rounding typescript




numerable is a number formatting library for Javascript and Typescript apps.

:gear: Installation

Use npm or yarn to install numerable.

npm install --save numerable
# or
yarn add numerable

:book: Usage

import { format, parse } from 'numerable';

format(1500250.2, '0,0.00');
//=> '1,500,250.20'

format(0.25, '0.0 %');
//=> '25.0 %'

format(1200, '0.00 a');
//=> '1.20 K'

//=> 0.805

:1234: Formatting numbers

Numbers formatting in numerable is done through a pattern-based syntax. With these patterns you can easily define common number formats, similar to date formatting.

The numeric pattern syntax defines:


Number Pattern Result Locale
10000 "0,0.0000" "10,000.0000" en (English)
1.23 "0.0" "1.2" en (English)
10000.23 "0,0" "10,000" en (English)
1000.2345 "0,0.X" "1,000.2345" en (English)
1000.2345 "0,0.X" "1 000,2345" fr (French)
0 "0.00" "0,00" fr (French)
-10000 "0,0.0" "-10.000,0" es (Spanish)
10000.1234 "0.000" "10000.123" en (English)
10000.001 "0[.]00" "10000" en (English)
10000 "(0,0.0)" "10,000.0" en (English)
-10000 "(0,0.0)" "(10,000.0)" en (English)
-12300 "+0,0.00" "-12,300.00" en (English)
12300 "+0,0.00" "+1,2300.00" ja (Japanese)
1230 "0,0+" "1,230+" en (English)
1230 "0,0-" "1,230" en (English)
0.67 "0.0####" "0.67" en (English)
0.67 "0.000##" "0.670" en (English)
3162.63 "0.0####" "3162.63" en (English)
3162.6338 "0.0####" "3162.6338" en (English)
0.23 "000.##" "000.23" en (English)
1234.567 "0,0.00" "١‎٬٢‎٣‎٤‎٫٥‎٧‎" arEG (Arabic)
undefined "0,0.00" "" en (English)
null "0.00" "" en (English)
NaN "0.0" "" en (English)

:small_orange_diamond: Percentages

By adding the % symbol to any of the previous patterns, the value is multiplied by 100 and the % symbol is added in the place indicated.

Number Pattern Result Locale
0.52 "0.##%" "52%" en (English)
1 "0.##%" "100%" en (English)
1 "0,0.00 %" "100.00 %" en (English)
-0.88 "0 %" "-88 %" en (English)

:small_orange_diamond: Abbreviated numbers

If an abbreviation is specified in the pattern (a), numerable will look for the shortest abbreviation for your number, and it will display the number with a locale-specific abbreviation.

Number Pattern Result Locale
2000000000 "0.0a" "2.0B" en (English)
1230974 "0.0a" "1.2M" en (English)
2460 "0 a" "2 mil" es (Spanish)
-104000 "0 a" "-104 K" en (English)
999950 "0.0a" "1.0тыс." ru (Russian)
999999999 "0 a" "1 Mio." de (German)

:small_orange_diamond: Currency

numerable will format the currency symbol if the currency ISO code (ISO 4217) is passed as a format option (e.g. format(155, '$ 0.00', { currency: 'EUR' })) and the dollar symbol ($) is found in the pattern.

Number Pattern Result Currency
1500.143 "$0,0.00" "$1,500.14" USD (US Dollar)
1500.143 "$0,0.00" "€1,500.14" EUR (Euro)
-1500.143 "0,0.00 $" "-1,500.14 £" GBP (Pound Sterling)
1500.143 "0,0.00 $" "1,500.14 ¥" JPY (Yen)
1500.143 "(0,0.00 $)" "1,500.14 CN¥" CNY (Yuan Renminbi)
-1500.143 "(0,0.00 $)" "(1,500.14 A$)" AUD (Australian dollar)

:small_orange_diamond: Bytes

numerable allows you to format bytes by adding the 'bd' or 'bb' characters to the pattern.

Number Pattern Result Locale
3500 "0.00bd" "3.50KB" en (English)
3500 "0.00bb" "3.42KiB" en (English)
-3500000 "0.00bb" "-3.34MiB" en (English)
2444222000000 "0.00bd" "2.44TB" en (English)
2444222000000 "0.00bb" "2.22TiB" en (English)

:small_orange_diamond: Ordinal numbers

numerable allows you to format ordinal numbers based on the locale. The character 'o' in the mask will enable the ordinal numbers formatting.

Number Pattern Result Locale
1 "0o" "1st" en (English)
2 "0o" "2nd" en (English)
3 "0o" "3rd" en (English)
4 "0o" "4th" en (English)
1 "0o" "1er" fr (French)
12 "0o" "12º" es (Spanish)
8 "0o" "8." de (German)

:small_orange_diamond: Time durations

Given an amount of seconds, it will display hours, minutes, and seconds.

Number Pattern Result Locale
0 "00:00:00" "0:00:00" en (English)
37 "00:00:00" "0:00:37" en (English)
520 "00:00" "0:08:40" en (English)
48923 "00:00" "13:35:23" en (English)
-48923 "00:00" "-13:35:23" en (English)


- Syntax

format(number, [pattern="0,0.##########"], [options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS])


- Syntax

parse(numberString, [options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS])

:crossed_flags: Internationalization (i18n)

numerable includes two functions that support i18n:

Usage (i18n)

In order to handle internationalization:

App localization handling (i18n)

- Using custom wrappers

To make your app internationalization handling easy, you can create your own function wrappers and use those instead of the original functions. With this approach, you can make your app localized number formatting API simple.

// my-app/utils/format.js
import { format } from 'numerable';
import { es, fr, enIN } from 'numerable/locale';
const locales = {
    'en-in': enIN,
export default function (value, pattern = '0,0.000', options) {
    const appLocaleId = window.__myLocaleId__;
    return format(value, pattern, { locale: locales[appLocaleId], ...options });
// Later...

// Importing my custom localized format wrapper
import format from 'my-app/utils/format';
window.__myLocaleId__ = 'es';
format(1234.56, '0,0.00');
// => "1.234,56"
// With our wrapper function, if the pattern is omitted, it will take the default from the wrapper function.
window.__myLocaleId__ = 'fr';
// => "1 234,560"
window.__myLocaleId__ = 'en-in';
format(123456789.12, '0,0.0');
// => "12,34,56,789.1"

// 'en' will work, as it is the default locale of numerable
window.__myLocaleId__ = 'en';
format(1234.56, '0,0.00');
// => "1,234.56"

Numerable locales (i18n)

If a NumerableLocale is provided in any format function, it will format the number with the specified locale.

The locales provided by numerable allow localized support for the following formatting options:

import { format } from 'numerable';
import { fr, es, enIN, zh } from 'numerable/locale';

format(1234.56, '0.000', { locale: fr }); // Returns "1 234,560"
format(2500000, '0,0.0 a', { locale: es }); //=> '2,5 M'
format(2500000, '0,0.0 a', { locale: enIN }); //=> '25.0 L'
format(2500000, '0,0.0', { locale: zh }); //=> '250,0000.0'
format(2544609, '0,0.0', { locale: arEG }); //=> '٢‎٬٥‎٤‎٤‎٬٦‎٠‎٩‎٫٠‎'

Using platform locales (i18n)

If you app is simple and you are not supporting legacy browsers or Node. You can create a NumerableLocale based on the platform.

:warning: Take into account that the support for platform locales is limited. And some of the features, like "ordinal numbers formatting" won't be available if you obtain the locale from the platform.

numerable provides the function getLocaleFromPlatform. This function will dynamically generate a NumerableLocale using the platform Intl.NumberFormat configuration.

import { format, getLocaleFromPlatform } from 'numerable';

format(2500, '0,0.0 a', { locale: getLocaleFromPlatform('fr') }); //=> '2,5 k'
format(2500, '0,0.0 a', { locale: getLocaleFromPlatform('cs') }); //=> '2,5 tis.'
format(2500, '0.0 a', { locale: getLocaleFromPlatform('es') }); //=> '2,5 mil'


  • Some features won't work on legacy browsers like IE11 or Node (they will fallback to en language), resulting in potential inconsistency across browsers.
  • No full support for formatting features like "ordinal number formatting"

:star: Acknowledgements

numerable started as a fork from Adam Draper's project Numeral.js.
It has been completely rewriten in Typescript with a functional API and extended features.
Also, date-fns served as inspiration for some of the features.

The patterns used in numerable are an extended version of the original patterns created by Numeral.js.

:raised_hands: Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

:pencil: License

MIT © Gaston Meseri