gbartyzel / mobile_robot_rl

Mobile robot control in V-REP using Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms.
MIT License
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ddpg deep-reinforcement-learning mobile-robotics noisynet reinforcement-learning robotics

Mobile robot control using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Short description

Following project was a part of my master thesis. Current version is a little bit modified and much improved. The project is using modified algorithm Deterministic Policy Gradient (Lillicrap et al.arXiv:1509.02971) (written in Tensorflow) to control mobile robot. The main idea was to learn mobile robot navigate to goal and also avoid obstacles. For obstacles avoidance, robot is using 5 ultrasonic sensors. For navigation task, required information (like absolute pose) are taken from simulation engine. That's a little hack. However, more realistic (like odometry) pose estimation can be found in gym-vrep.

How to use



Project is using robotic simulation V-REP EDU. To setup V-REP environment follow instruction described in gym-vrep repository.


All Python dependencies are in requirements.txt. Just run command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To run training just run command:

python --train

To run testing just run command:


For more options (like state, action normalization) run command:

python --help


Agent was learned for 1000 episodes and results are shown below:

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