gbeine / airrohr2mqtt

airrohr2mqtt bridge
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
1 stars 0 forks source link

airrohr2mqtt - An airrohr HTTP to MQTT bridge


Installation using Docker

docker run -it --rm --name airrohr2mqtt -v airrohr2mqtt.conf:/etc/airrohr2mqtt.conf

Installation using Podman

podman run -it --rm --name airrohr2mqtt -v airrohr2mqtt.conf:/etc/airrohr2mqtt.conf

Native installation with Python venv

The installation requires at least Python 3.9.

Philosophy is to install it under /usr/local/lib/airrohr2mqtt and control it via systemd.

cd /usr/local/lib
git clone
cd airrohr2mqtt

The install script creates a virtual python environment using the venv module. All required libraries are installed automatically. Depending on your system this may take some time.


The configuration is located in /etc/airrohr2mqtt.conf.

Each configuration option is also available as command line argument.

option default arguments comment
mqtt_host 'localhost' -m, --mqtt_host The hostname of the MQTT server.
mqtt_port 1883 --mqtt_port The port of the MQTT server.
mqtt_keepalive 30 --mqtt_keepalive The keep alive interval for the MQTT server connection in seconds.
mqtt_clientid 'airrohr2mqtt' --mqtt_clientid The clientid to send to the MQTT server.
mqtt_user - -u, --mqtt_user The username for the MQTT server connection.
mqtt_password - -p, --mqtt_password The password for the MQTT server connection.
mqtt_topic 'airrohr' -t, --mqtt_topic The topic to publish MQTT message.
mqtt_tls - --mqtt_tls Use SSL/TLS encryption for MQTT connection.
mqtt_tls_version 'TLSv1.2' --mqtt_tls_version The TLS version to use for MQTT. One of TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2.
mqtt_verify_mode 'CERT_REQUIRED' --mqtt_verify_mode The SSL certificate verification mode. One of CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL, CERT_REQUIRED.
mqtt_ssl_ca_path - --mqtt_ssl_ca_path The SSL certificate authority file to verify the MQTT server.
mqtt_tls_no_verify - --mqtt_tls_no_verify Do not verify SSL/TLS constraints like hostname.
http_host 'localhost' --http_host The address to bind the HTTP server. Default is localhost
http_port 8080 --http_port The port of the HTTP server. Default is 8080
verbose - -v, --verbose Be verbose while running.
- '/etc/airrohr2mqtt.conf' -c, --config The path to the config file.

airrohr configuration

Use the URL http://<http_host>:<http_port>/airrohr/<sensor_id> for the push notification.


''Attention:'' Please be aware that the data is published over plain HTTP by this solution. Use with care ond only if you know what you're doing.

Running airrohr2mqtt

I use systemd to manage my local services.


I have not the time (yet) to provide professional support for this project. But feel free to submit issues and PRs, I'll check for it and honor your contributions.


The whole project is licensed under BSD-3-Clause license. Stay fair.