genaray / ZeroAllocJobScheduler

A high-performance alloc free c# Jobscheduler.
Apache License 2.0
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A high-performance alloc-free C# job scheduler.
Schedules and executes jobs on a set of worker threads with automatic pooling of internal handles.


public class HeavyCalculation : IJob
  public void Execute()
    Thread.Sleep(50);  // Simulate heavy work

// Create a new Scheduler, which you should keep the lifetime of your program. This is the only API call that will allocate or generate garbage.
var scheduler = new JobScheduler(new JobScheduler.Config()
    // Names the process "MyProgram0", "MyProgram1", etc.
    ThreadPrefixName = "MyProgram",

    // Automatically chooses threads based on your processor count
    ThreadCount = 0,

    // The amount of jobs that can exist in the queue at once without the scheduler spontaneously allocating and generating garbage.
    // Past this number, the scheduler is no longer Zero-Alloc!
    // Higher numbers slightly decrease performance and increase memory consumption, so keep this on the lowest possible end for your application.
    MaxExpectedConcurrentJobs = 64,

    // Enables or disables strict allocation mode: if more jobs are scheduled at once than MaxExpectedConcurrentJobs, it throws an error.
    // Not recommended for production code, but good for debugging allocation issues.
    StrictAllocationMode = false,

// You need to pool/create jobs by yourself. This will, of course, allocate, so cache and reuse the jobs.
var firstJob = new HeavyCalculation();  
var firstHandle = scheduler.Schedule(firstJob); // Schedules job locally

scheduler.Flush();                              // Dispatches all scheduled jobs to the worker threads
firstHandle.Complete();                         // Blocks the thread until the job is complete.

// Call Dispose at program exit, which shuts down all worker threads


To set a sequential dependency on a job, simply pass a created JobHandle to JobScheduler.Schedule(job, dependency).

var handle1 = scheduler.Schedule(job1);
var handle2 = scheduler.Schedule(job2, handle1);    // job2 will only begin execution once job1 is complete!

Multiple dependencies

Use Scheduler.CombineDependencies(JobHandle[] handles) to get a new handle that depends on the handles in parallel. That handle can then be passed into future Schedule call as a dependency itself!

// You must create the array of handles, and handle caching/storage yourself.
JobHandle[] handles = new JobHandle[2];

handles[0] = Scheduler.Schedule(job1);
handles[1] = Scheduler.Schedule(job2);
JobHandle combinedHandle = Scheduler.CombineDependencies(handles);          // Combines all handles into the array into one

var dependantHandle = Scheduler.Schedule(job3, combinedHandle);             // job3 now depends on job1 and job2.
                                                                            // job1 and job2 can Complete() in parallel, but job3 can only run once both are complete.

dependantHandle.Complete();                                                 // Blocks the main thread until all three tasks are complete.

Bulk complete

Rather than using CombineDependencies(), if you just need to block the main thread until a list of handles are complete, you can use this syntax:

JobHandle.CompleteAll(JobHandle[] handles);                     // Waits for all JobHandles to finish, and blocks the main thread until they each complete (in any order)
JobHandle.CompleteAll(List<JobHandle> handles);

Or, if you don't want to maintain a list or array, you can just call handle.Complete() on all your handles, in any order.

Parallel-For support

Instead of IJob, you may extend your class from IJobParallelFor to implement foreach-style indexing on a job. This is useful for when you have very many small operations, and it would be inefficient to schedule a whole job for each one; for example, iterating through a giant set of data.

Define an IJobParallelFor like so:

public class ManyCalculations : IJobParallelFor
  // Execute will be called for each i for the specified amount
  public void Execute(int i)
    // ... do some operation with i here

  // Finish will be called once all operations are completed.
  public void Finish()
    Debug.Log("All done!");

  // BatchSize is a measure of how "complicated" your operations are. Detailed below.
  public int BatchSize => 32;

  // Restrict the number of spawned jobs to decrease memory usage and overhead. Keep this at 0 to use the Scheduler's number of active threads (recommended).
  public int ThreadCount => 0;

Run your IJobParallelFor with this syntax:

var job = new ManyCalculations();
var handle = scheduler.Schedule(job, 512); // Execute will be called 512 times

However, there are several caveats: