gertst / node-red-contrib-velbus

A Node Red plugin to connect the Velleman Velbus home automation system to Node Red
5 stars 2 forks source link
home-automation node-red velbus


EDIT 22 May 2020:

Pull requests with fixes are very welcome, as I probably will not work that frequently anymore on this module: I'm moving out of our "Velbus home" and will move to a "Loxone home" in the near future.


This is a custom Node Red plugin to connect the Velleman Velbus home automation system to Node Red. Node-red typically runs on a Raspberry Pi to manage home automation gear. It runs non stop and (almost) flawless on my PI since Jan 19, 2019. The flaws I had never were caused by Velbus or this package of custom nodes.

To connect to Velbus you need

Once installed, these Velbus nodes can be found in the Velbus palette:

  1. a Send Raw Bytes node, to send Velbus commands
  2. a Receive Raw Bytes node, to listen to Velbus messages
  3. a Button node to manage presses on Velbus push buttons
  4. a Temperature Node to send and receive temperature sensor data
  5. a Relay Node to send and receive basic relay states
  6. a Dimmer Node to send and receive basic dimmer states

If you are using this module, please let me know! Curious about your findings/remarks/...


Implemented Velbus modules:

Tested input modules

Next modules can be controlled by simulating button presses.

Example scripts


I'm happy to merge your changes or accept pull requests!