Important: Glassfy SDKs are deprecated. Glassfy will be ceasing operations by the end of 2024. Read the blog post here
These plugin is for Capacitor 6. For Capacitor 5, use the 3.x version.
Glassfy is a subscription revenue optimisation infrastructure for mobile applications.
Check the documentation at to learn details on implementing and using Glassfy SDK.
npm install capacitor-plugin-glassfy
npx cap sync
be sure to have ionic cli installed following instructions here
npm install
npm run build
cd example
npm install
ionic capacitor sync ios
ionic capacitor open ios
### initialize(...)
initialize(options: { apiKey: string; watcherMode: boolean; }) => Promise{ apiKey: string; watcherMode: boolean; }
### setLogLevel(...)
setLogLevel(options: { logLevel: GLASSFY_LOGLEVEL; }) => Promise{ logLevel: GLASSFY_LOGLEVEL; }
### offerings()
offerings() => PromisePromise<GlassfyOfferings>
### purchaseHistory()
purchaseHistory() => PromisePromise<GlassfyPurchasesHistory>
### permissions()
permissions() => PromisePromise<GlassfyPermissions>
### skuWithId(...)
skuWithId(options: { identifier: string; }) => Promise{ identifier: string; }
**Returns:** Promise<GlassfySku>
### skuWithIdAndStore(...)
skuWithIdAndStore(options: { identifier: string; store: GLASSFY_STORE; }) => Promise{ identifier: string; store: GLASSFY_STORE; }
**Returns:** Promise<GlassfySkuBase>
### connectCustomSubscriber(...)
connectCustomSubscriber(options: { subscriberId: string; }) => Promise{ subscriberId: string; }
### connectPaddleLicenseKey(...)
connectPaddleLicenseKey(options: { licenseKey: string; force: boolean; }) => Promise{ licenseKey: string; force: boolean; }
### connectGlassfyUniversalCode(...)
connectGlassfyUniversalCode(options: { universalCode: string; force: boolean; }) => Promise{ universalCode: string; force: boolean; }
### setEmailUserProperty(...)
setEmailUserProperty(options: { email: string; }) => Promise{ email: string; }
### setDeviceToken(...)
setDeviceToken(options: { token: string; }) => Promise{ token: string; }
### setExtraUserProperty(...)
setExtraUserProperty(options: { extra: GlassfyExtraProperty; }) => Promise{ extra: GlassfyExtraProperty; }
### getUserProperty()
getUserProperty() => PromisePromise<GlassfyUserProperties>
### purchaseSku(...)
purchaseSku(options: { sku: GlassfySku; skuToUpgrade?: GlassfySku; replacementMode?: GLASSFY_REPLACEMENT_MODE; }) => Promise{ sku: GlassfySku; skuToUpgrade?: GlassfySku; replacementMode?: GLASSFY_REPLACEMENT_MODE; }
**Returns:** Promise<GlassfyTransaction>
### restorePurchases()
restorePurchases() => PromisePromise<GlassfyPermissions>
### storeInfo()
storeInfo() => PromisePromise<GlassfyStoresInfo>
### setAttribution(...)
setAttribution(options: { type: GLASSFY_ATTRIBUTION; value: string; }) => Promise{ type: GLASSFY_ATTRIBUTION; value: string; }
### setAttributions(...)
setAttributions(options: { items: GlassfyAttributionItem[]; }) => Promise{ items: GlassfyAttributionItem[]; }
### _paywall(...)
_paywall(options: { remoteConfig: string; awaitLoading: boolean; }) => Promise{ remoteConfig: string; awaitLoading: boolean; }
### _closePaywall()
_closePaywall() => Promise{ url: string; }
### Interfaces
#### GlassfyVersion
| Prop | Type |
| ------------- | ------------------- |
| **`version`** | string
#### GlassfyOfferings
| Prop | Type |
| --------- | ------------------------------ |
| **`all`** | GlassfyOffering[]
#### GlassfyOffering
| Prop | Type |
| ---------------- | ------------------------- |
| **`offeringId`** | string
| **`skus`** | GlassfySku[]
#### GlassfySku
| Prop | Type |
| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`introductoryEligibility`** | GLASSFY_ELEGIBILITY
| **`promotionalEligibility`** | GLASSFY_ELEGIBILITY
| **`extravars`** | { [key: string]: string; }
| **`product`** | GlassfyProduct
| **`basePlanId`** | string
| **`offerId`** | string
| **`discount`** | GlassfyProductDiscount
#### GlassfyProduct
| Prop | Type |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`title`** | string
| **`identifier`** | string
| **`description`** | string
| **`price`** | number
| **`currencyCode`** | string
| **`period`** | string
| **`introductoryPrice`** | GlassfyProductDiscount
| **`discounts`** | GlassfyProductDiscount[]
| **`basePlanId`** | string
#### GlassfyProductDiscount
| Prop | Type |
| --------------------- | ------------------- |
| **`identifier`** | string
| **`price`** | number
| **`currencyCode`** | string
| **`period`** | string
| **`numberOfPeriods`** | number
| **`type`** | string
#### GlassfyPurchasesHistory
| Prop | Type |
| --------- | ------------------------------------- |
| **`all`** | GlassfyPurchaseHistory[]
#### GlassfyPurchaseHistory
| Prop | Type |
| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`productId`** | string
| **`skuId`** | string
| **`type`** | GLASSFY_EVENT_TYPE
| **`store`** | GLASSFY_STORE
| **`purchaseDate`** | string
| **`expireDate`** | string
| **`transactionId`** | string
| **`subscriberId`** | string
| **`currencyCode`** | string
| **`countryCode`** | string
| **`isInIntroOfferPeriod`** | boolean
| **`promotionalOfferId`** | string
| **`offerCodeRefName`** | string
| **`licenseCode`** | string
| **`webOrderLineItemId`** | string
#### GlassfyPermissions
| Prop | Type |
| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| **`installationId`** | string
| **`subscriberId`** | string
| **`originalApplicationVersion`** | string
| **`originalApplicationDate`** | string
| **`all`** | GlassfyPermission[]
#### GlassfyPermission
| Prop | Type |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`permissionId`** | string
| **`entitlement`** | GLASSFY_ENTITLEMENT
| **`isValid`** | boolean
| **`expireDate`** | string
| **`accountableSkus`** | GlassfyAccountableSku[]
#### GlassfyAccountableSku
| Prop | Type |
| -------------------------- | -------------------- |
| **`isInIntroOfferPeriod`** | boolean
| **`isInTrialPeriod`** | boolean
| **`basePlanId`** | string
| **`offerId`** | string
#### GlassfySkuBase
| Prop | Type |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`skuId`** | string
| **`productId`** | string
| **`store`** | GLASSFY_STORE
#### GlassfyUserProperties
| Prop | Type |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`email`** | string
| **`token`** | boolean
| **`extra`** | GlassfyExtraProperty
#### GlassfyTransaction
| Prop | Type |
| ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`productId`** | string
| **`receiptValidated`** | boolean
| **`permissions`** | GlassfyPermissions
#### GlassfyStoresInfo
| Prop | Type |
| --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`all`** | (GlassfyStoreInfo \| GlassfyPaddleStoreInfo)[]
#### GlassfyStoreInfo
| Prop | Type |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **`store`** | Exclude<GLASSFY_STORE, GLASSFY_STORE.Paddle>
| **`extravars`** | { [key: string]: string; }
#### GlassfyPaddleStoreInfo
| Prop | Type |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`store`** | GLASSFY_STORE.Paddle
| **`extravars`** | { [key: string]: string; }
| **`userid`** | string
| **`planId`** | string
| **`subscriptionId`** | string
| **`updateURL`** | string
| **`cancelURL`** | string
#### GlassfyAttributionItem
| Prop | Type |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **`value`** | string
### Type Aliases
#### GlassfyExtraProperty
{ [key: string]: string }
#### Exclude
Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U
T extends U ? never : T
### Enums
| Members | Value |
| ----------- | -------------- |
| **`OFF`** | 0
| **`ERROR`** | 1
| **`DEBUG`** | 2
| **`INFO`** | 3
| **`ALL`** | 3
| Members | Value |
| ------------------ | --------------- |
| **`ELEGIBLE`** | 1
| **`NON_ELEGIBLE`** | -1
| **`UNKNOWN`** | 0
| Members | Value |
| ---------------------------- | ----------------- |
| **`InitialBuy`** | 5001
| **`Restarted`** | 5002
| **`Renewed`** | 5003
| **`Expired`** | 5004
| **`DidChangeRenewalStatus`** | 5005
| **`IsInBillingRetryPeriod`** | 5006
| **`ProductChange`** | 5007
| **`InAppPurchase`** | 5008
| **`Refund`** | 5009
| **`Paused`** | 5010
| **`Resumed`** | 5011
| **`ConnectLicense`** | 5012
| **`DisconnectLicense`** | 5013
| Members | Value |
| --------------- | -------------- |
| **`AppStore`** | 1
| **`PlayStore`** | 2
| **`Paddle`** | 3
| **`Stripe`** | 4
| **`Glassfy`** | 5
| Members | Value |
| -------------------------- | --------------- |
| **`NEVERBUY`** | -9
| **`OTHERREFUND`** | -8
| **`ISSUEREFUND`** | -7
| **`UPGRADED`** | -6
| **`INRETRY`** | -1
| **`MISSINGINFO`** | 0
| **`OFFPLATFORM`** | 2
| **`NONRENEWING`** | 3
| **`AUTORENEWOFF`** | 4
| **`AUTORENEWON`** | 5
| Members | Value |
| ------------------------------ | -------------- |
| **`DEFERRED`** | 6
| Members | Value |
| ----------------- | -------------- |
| **`AdjustID`** | 1
| **`AppsFlyerID`** | 2
| **`IP`** | 3
| **`IDFA`** | 4
| **`IDFV`** | 5
| **`GAID`** | 6
| **`ASID`** | 7
| **`AID`** | 8