goblint / GobPie

Goblint IDE integration via MagpieBridge
MIT License
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vscode vscode-extension


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The Integration of the static analyzer Goblint into IDEs with MagpieBridge.


  1. Install Goblint.
  2. Download GobPie plugin and unzip the archive.
  3. Install the extension into VSCode with code --install-extension gobpie-0.0.5.vsix.

When installing goblint locally (as recommended), make sure that GobPie can find the correct version of Goblint. This can be done in two ways:

Project prerequisites

The project must have:

  1. GobPie configuration file in project root with name gobpie.json
  2. Goblint configuration file (see examples)

GobPie configuration

Example GobPie configuration file gobpie.json:

    "goblintConf": "goblint.json",
    "goblintExecutable": "/home/user/goblint/analyzer/goblint",
    "preAnalyzeCommand": ["cmake", "-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON", "-B", "build"],
    "abstractDebugging": true,
    "showCfg": true,
    "incrementalAnalysis": false

Goblint configuration

Goblint configuration file (e.g. goblint.json) must have the field files defined:

Example values for files:

Abstract debugging

GobPie includes a special debugger called an abstract debugger, that uses the results of Goblint's analysis to emulate a standard debugger, but operates on abstract states instead of an actual running program.

Once GobPie is installed and configured (see previous two sections), the debugger can be started by simply selecting "C (GobPie Abstract Debugger)" from the Run and Debug panel in VS Code and starting the debugger as normal.
Note: Abstract debugging is disabled by default. It must be explicitly enabled in gobpie.json before starting GobPie.

The debugger supports breakpoints, including conditional breakpoints, shows the call stack and values of variables, allows interactive evaluation of expressions and setting watch expressions, and supports most standard stepping operations.

In general, the abstract debugger works analogously to a normal debugger, but instead of stepping through a running program, it steps through the program's ARG generated by Goblint during analysis. Values of variables and expressions are obtained from the Goblint base analysis and are represented using the base analysis abstract domain. The function call stack is constructed by traversing the ARG from the current node to the program entry point. In case of multiple possible call stacks, all possible callers at the location where call stacks diverge are shown. To view the call stack of one possible caller, the restart frame operation can be used to restart the frame of the desired caller, which moves the active location to the start of the selected caller's frame.

When there are multiple possible ARG nodes at the location of a breakpoint, then all possible ARG nodes are shown at the same time as threads. When a step is made in one thread, an equivalent step is made in all other threads. An equivalent step is one that leads to the same CFG node. This means that all threads are synchronized such that stepping to an ARG node in one thread ensures that all threads are at an ARG node with the same corresponding CFG node.


Make sure the following are installed: JDK 17, mvn, npm, nodejs, @vscode/vsce.

To build this extension, run the commands:

mvn install
cd vscode
npm install
npm install -g vsce
vsce package

To test the extension

  1. Clone the demo project
  2. In the repository's folder, set the correct Goblint path in gobpie.json or activate the right opam switch.
  3. Open the project in VSCode.