Start solving PDEs in Julia
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This repo contains a set of tutorials to learn how to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) in Julia with the Gridap ecosystem of packages. At the root of this ecosystem is the Gridap.jl library. The initial tutorials illustrate the usage of the tools in Gridap.jl, and these are the tutorials new users should focus on.
Within the Gridap ecosystem there are several satellite/plugin packages that serve different purposes. Some of the tutorials focus on the combined usage of Gridap.jl and the plugin packages. For example, this tutorial illustrates the usage of GridapDistributed.jl for the solution of PDEs on parallel distributed-memory supercomputers.
The tutorials are available in two formats:
As jupyter notebooks, allowing an interactive learning experience. This is the recommended way to follow the tutorials
As HTML pages, allowing a rapid access into the material without the need of any setup.
Visit one of the following pages, depending of your needs, and start enjoying!
Note: only if you intend to contribute to the tutorials as an advanced user/developer
If you want to contribute to the tutorials, e.g., to make changes in their sources, you might need to generate (render) them locally to see whether the changes in the sources produce the expected outcome in the output (i.e., Jupyter notebooks + HTML pages). To this end, you have to follow the following instructions once:
julia --project=docs # From the Unix shell, located at the root of Tutorials repo
develop . # From the Julia package manager prompt
instantiate # ""
build # ""
exit() # From the Julia REPL
and then, each time that you perform a change on the tutorial sources, you have to execute the following command:
julia --project=docs docs/make.jl # From the Unix shell, located at the root of Tutorials repo
to generate the tutorials. The files generated are available at Tutorials/docs/build/
Join to our gitter chat to ask questions and interact with the Gridap community.
In order to give credit to the Gridap
contributors, we simply ask you to cite the reference below in any publication in which you have made use of Gridap
doi = {10.21105/joss.02520},
url = {},
year = {2020},
publisher = {The Open Journal},
volume = {5},
number = {52},
pages = {2520},
author = {Santiago Badia and Francesc Verdugo},
title = {Gridap: An extensible Finite Element toolbox in Julia},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}
Please, contact the project administrators, Santiago Badia and Francesc Verdugo, for further questions about licenses and terms of use.