gutenye / ocr

High accurate text detection (OCR) Javascript/Typescript library that runs on Node.js, Browser, React Native and C++. Based on PaddleOCR and ONNX runtime
MIT License
27 stars 2 forks source link
browser cpp javascript node ocr onnxruntime paddleocr react-native text-detection typescript

Guten OCR

Demo | Roadmap

an OCR Javascript library runs on Node.js, Browser, React Native and C++

Based on PaddleOCR and ONNX Runtime, supports PP-OCRv4 model

Getting Started



bun add @gutenye/ocr-node
import Ocr from '@gutenye/ocr-node'
const ocr = await Ocr.create()
const result = await ocr.detect('a.jpg')



bun add @gutenye/ocr-browser
import Ocr from '@gutenye/ocr-browser'
const ocr = await Ocr.create({
  models: {
    detectionPath: '/assets/ch_PP-OCRv4_det_infer.onnx',
    recognitionPath: '/assets/ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_infer.onnx',
    dictionaryPath: '/assets/ppocr_keys_v1.txt'
const result = await ocr.detect('/a.jpg')

React Native


bun add @gutenye/ocr-react-native
import Ocr from '@guenye/ocr-react-native'
const ocr = await Ocr.create()
const result = await ocr.detect('a.jpg')



#include "native-ocr.h"
NativeOcr* ocr = new NativeOcr(..)
auto result = ocr->detect("a.jpg");

API Reference

  models?: {
    detectionPath: string
    recognitionPath: string
    dictionaryPath: string
  isDebug?: boolean
  debugOutputDir?: string // Node only
  recognitionImageMaxSize?: number // RN only
  detectionThreshold?: number // RN only
  detectionBoxThreshold?: number // RN only
  detectionUnclipRatiop?: number // RN only
  detectionUseDilate?: boolean // RN only
  detectionUsePolygonScore?: boolean // RN only
  useDirectionClassify?: boolean // RN only
  onnxOptions?: {}       // Node only. Pass to ONNX Runtime
}): Promise<Ocr>

ocr.detect(imagePath, { 
  onnxOptions?: {}     // Node only. Pass to ONNX Runtime
}): Promise<TextLine[]>

TextLine {
  text: string
  score: number
  frame: { top, left, width, height }


brew install git-lfs 
git clone

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