gyes00205 / MDCNet_pytorch

[ICRA 2022] Unofficial implementation of Multi-Dimensional Cooperative Network for Stereo Matching.
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computer-vision deep-learning depth-estimation pytorch stereo-matching


tags: paper re-implementation

:beginner: Introduction

demo.gif animation

Thanks for the amazing work of Wei Chen, Xiaogang Jia, Mingfei Wu, and Zhengfa Liang. The goal of this repo is to implement and reproduce the paper Multi-Dimensional Cooperative Network for Stereo Matching which published on ICRA 2022. Original paper could be found via the following links:

:floppy_disk: Dataset

I follow the data preparation of PSMNet to download the SceneFlow dataset.

the disp folder of Flything3D dataset


the image folder of Flything3D dataset


the disp folder of Monkaa dataset


the image folder of Monkaa dataset


## :hourglass: Training
### Pretrain on SceneFlow dataset
I pretrain MDCNet on SceneFlow dataset for 24 epochs.

bash scripts/

### Finetune on KITTI 2015
I finetune MDCNet on KITTI 2015 dataset for 300 epochs. Split 80% data for training and 20% for validation.

bash scripts/

### Finetune on KITTI 2012
I finetune MDCNet on KITTI 2012 dataset for 300 epochs. Split 80% data for training and 20% for validation.

bash scripts/

## :rocket: Inference
You can inference on kitti raw dataset.

python \ --datapath /home/bsplab/Documents/dataset_kitti/train/2011_09_26_drive_0011_sync \ --output_dir output \ --loadmodel results/kitti15_mdcnet/checkpoint.tar

## :chart_with_upwards_trend: Ablation Study
Train on RTX 2080Ti

| Matching Cost Computation | Cost Aggregation         | SceneFlow (EPE) | KITTI 2015 D1-all (%) | KITTI 2012 D1-all (%) | Time(s) |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------ | --------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | ------- |
| Correlation               | Unet/2D                  | 1.647           | 3.93%                 | 5.08%                 | 0.043   |
| Concat                    | Hourglass/3D             | 1.121           | 2.13%                 | 2.56%                 | 0.243   |
| Correlation+Concat        | Unet/2D+DCU+Hourglass/3D | 1.351           | 3.16%                 | 3.91%                 | 0.073   |

## :two_hearts: Acknowledgements
In this implementation, I use parts of the implementations of the following works:
* [PSMNet]( by [Jia-Ren Chang](
* [GWCNet]( by [Xiaoyang Guo](
* [CasStereoNet]( by [Xiaodong Gu](
* [AnyNet]( by [Yan Wang](

Thanks for the respective authors for sharing their amazing works.