Program described in the jounal paper, "POLY2TET: A Computer Program for Conversion of Computational Human Phantoms from Polygonal Mesh to Tetrahedral Mesh", submitted to Journal of Radiological Protection.
Installation can be done very simply by two lines below.
cmake .
./POLY2TET [options] MRCP_AM.obj
-g : generate Geant4 code
-m : generate MCNP6 input file
-p : generate PHITS input file
-c : positive integer number to replace zero-region number (and not defined regions, when used as -rc)
-mat/m : material file in MCNP6 format
Input PM phantom should be prepared as OBJ file format that includes the whole phantom; there is no need to prepare OBJ files for each organ. In the OBJ file, each organ should be defined as a shell group named as the corresponding organ ID. Note that for the user’s convenience, POLY2TET allows to add descriptions to be followed after organ ID, but those two needs to be separated by an underscore (e.g., 9500 or 9500_Liver).
For the generation of the Monte-Carlo code inputs, please provide material file in MCNP format. Below is the example. Please note that you should keep the format of the comment lines (C name, density g/cm3).
C Liver 1.060 g/cm3
m9500 1000 -0.102
6000 -0.132
7000 -0.031
8000 -0.723
11000 -0.002
15000 -0.002
16000 -0.003
17000 -0.002
19000 -0.003
C Lung 0.415 g/cm3
m9700 1000 -0.102
6000 -0.108
7000 -0.032
8000 -0.748
11000 -0.001
15000 -0.001
16000 -0.002
17000 -0.003
19000 -0.002
26000 -0.001
For the Monte Carlo dose calculations, the corresponding code should be installed in the computer.
Go to the folder where MCNP6 input file is generated, and then execute MCNP6 with the input file named (phantom_name)_MPNP6.i.
MCNP6 n=(phantom_name)_MCNP6.i
Go to the folder where PHITS input file is generated, and then execute PHITS with the input file named (phantom_name) (phantom_name)
In the folder where Geant4 source code is generated, compile the source code for Geant4 first, and execute the code with the lines below.
cmake .
./(phantom_name) -m (macro_file_name) -o (ouput_file_name)
Han H et al.,2020, POLY2TET: A Computer Program for Conversion of Computational Human Phantoms from Polygonal Mesh to Tetrahedral Mesh, J. Radiol. Prot.(on process)