halftheopposite / TOSIOS

The Open-Source IO Shooter is an open-source multiplayer game in the browser
MIT License
369 stars 77 forks source link
2d colyseus docker game multiplayer pixijs react tmx


GitHub license

Hello fellow game developer πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ!

I need less than 5 minutes of your precious time, feedback, and experience, to answer a few questions about multiplayer game development that will help me shape future projects. Survey is available at https://tally.so/r/w81Xr5 and requires no signup and no bs.

The Open-Source IO Shooter is an open-source multiplayer game in the browser (desktop or browser). It is meant to be hostable and playable by anyone. This is not an attempt at creating an outstanding gaming experience, but to create an easily understandable and modifiable multiplayer browser game.

Desktop version


Mobile version

In-game screenshot of mobile

πŸ•ΉοΈ Playing

Want to play right away? You can play the game by following (and sharing) this link https://tosios.online.


The game principles are fairly easy to grasp:

  1. Every player is positionned randomly on the map during the lobby.
  2. When the game starts, each player must take down others (either in death match, or team death match).
  3. There are some potions on the map that restore health.
  4. The last player (or team) alive wins πŸŽ‰.

You can see a very small amount of gameplay below (the framerate of this GIF is low):



πŸš€ Running

You can build this game yourself easily if you are experienced with modern javascript development or Docker.

Docker Compose πŸ‹

The easiest way to run the game is to use the docker-compose.yml file with the following command docker-compose up -d.

The up option will download the image if you don't have it yet and run the container.

The -d option will run the container in the background.

Docker πŸ‹

You can also build the Docker image yourself:

  1. Build it with docker build -t tosios .
  2. Run it with docker run -d -p 3001:3001 [IMAGE_ID]

The -d option will run the container in the background (recommended if you want to have access to your current terminal session).

The -p option will let you choose on which port the container will listen (e.g. the first 3001 will make it accessible to http://localhost:3001), and on which internal port must the server listen (e.g. the second 3001).

The [IMAGE_ID] is easily discoverable by running docker images in the terminal.


You can also build the game directly using yarn (you cannot use npm install as this repo is using the workspace feature of Yarn):

  1. Install dependencies with yarn.
  2. Build game with yarn build.
  3. Run yarn serve.
  4. The game is available at http://localhost:3001.


If you want to play with friends at work or home, you can run the following command to get your local network IP: ipconfig getifaddr en0. You can then share the obtained IP and port(ex:

πŸ”§ Development

To run the project in development:

  1. Install dependencies with yarn.
  2. Make a first build with yarn build
  3. Start game with yarn dev.
  4. The game is available at http://localhost:3001.

Project architecture

This project is a monorepo (with the help of Yarn workspaces). It contains the following packages:



Anyone can create their own map to use in TOSIOS.

How to create my map?

The maps available in TOSIOS have all been created thanks to Tiled Map Editor (TME). You must first download this software in order to start creating your own map. I also invite you to read some tutorial for an easier beginning.

The most important concepts to create a functional map are layers and tilesets (I invite you to open one of the existing map in TME to familiarize yourself with how maps are structured. It will make things 10x easier if you have a living example under your eyes).


A layer is where your tiles are placed to form a map. You can combine multiple layers on top of each other so that you can get a crate over a ground tile, or a spider web over a wall for example.

There are two reserved layers that should be present at all time (although not rendered):

Other than that, you can add as many layers as you want and they will be rendered by PIXI.js in a WYSIWYG manner (order is maintained).

Although in the dungeon.png spritesheet I use colored tiles to represent collisions (red and blue) and spawners (green), you can use any tile you want as it won't be rendered anyway.



The tilesets is where lie the splitted spritesheet and its collision, animated and spawner tiles.

When defining which tile will be used for collisions it is very important to set its type field to either:

This can be done by selecting a tile in the tilesets editor, and entering its type on the left pane.

The collision tile (red) is selected

How to add my map to the game?

If you want to add your map to the game:

  1. If you have a custom spritesheet image, add it in /packages/client/src/images/maps/custom.png
  2. Open /packages/client/src/images/maps/index.ts, and add the following statements:
import gigantic from "./gigantic.png";
import custom from "./custom.png"; // <- Add this line

export const SpriteSheets: { [key: string]: string } = {
  "dungeon.png": dungeon,
  "custom.png": custom, // <- Add this line
  1. Add your map file (TMX as JSON) in /packages/common/maps/custom.json.
  2. Open /packages/common/maps/index.ts:
// ...
import gigantic from "./gigantic.json";
import custom from "./custom.json"; // <- Add this line

export const List: { [key: string]: TMX.IMap } = {
  custom, // <- Add this line
  1. Open /packages/common/constants.ts:
// ...
export const MAPS_NAMES = ["gigantic", "custom"]; // <- Add this entry
// ...

Roadmap for v1.0.0

This is not an exhaustive, nor final, features list but it will give you a good indication on what I am working on:

Special thanks

Thanks to @endel for his fabulous work on Colyseus that made this game possible.

Thanks to the PIXI.js team for their incredible library and up-to-date documentation.

Thanks to @pixel_poem for the art package he published on Itch.io which made this game looks cool instantly.

Thanks to @thorbjorn81 for the many years of work on the Tiled map editor.


This project is under the MIT license.

The major libraries and assets used in this project and their licenses: