happinesslz / LION

[NeurIPS 2024] Official code of ”LION: Linear Group RNN for 3D Object Detection in Point Cloudsβ€œ
Apache License 2.0
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3d-object-detection linear-attention linear-rnn


### Image 2 [LION: Linear Group RNN for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds](https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.18232) [Zhe Liu](https://happinesslz.github.io) 1,* , [Jinghua Hou](https://github.com/AlmoonYsl) 1,* , [Xinyu Wang](https://github.com/deepinact) 1,* , [Xiaoqing Ye](https://shuluoshu.github.io) 3, [Jingdong Wang](https://jingdongwang2017.github.io) 3, [Hengshuang Zhao](https://hszhao.github.io) 2, [Xiang Bai](https://xbai.vlrlab.net) 1,βœ‰
1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2 The University of Hong Kong, 3 Baidu Inc.
\* Equal contribution, βœ‰ Corresponding author.
[**Project Page**](https://happinesslz.github.io/projects/LION) | [**NeurIPS 2024**](https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.18232) Image 2

πŸ”₯ Highlights



Model mAP/mAPH_L1 mAP/mAPH_L2 Vec_L1 Vec_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Config
LION-RetNet 80.9/78.8 74.6/72.7 79.0/78.5 70.6/70.2 84.6/80.0 77.2/72.8 79.0/78.0 76.1/75.1 config
LION-RWKV 81.0/79.0 74.7/72.8 79.7/79.3 71.3/71.0 84.6/80.0 77.1/72.7 78.7/77.7 75.8/74.8 config
LION-Mamba 81.4/79.4 75.1/73.2 79.5/79.1 71.1/70.7 84.9/80.4 77.5/73.2 79.7/78.7 76.7/75.8 config
LION-Mamba-L 82.1/80.1 75.9/74.0 80.3/79.9 72.0/71.6 85.8/81.4 78.5/74.3 80.1/79.0 77.2/76.2 config

Note: You could reduce the training epochs from 24 to 12~(the performance gap is within 1 mAP/mAPH) or reduce the 100% training to 20% training sets.

Model Split Epoch CBGS NDS mAP Config Download (Baidu Pan) Download (Google Drive)
LION-RetNet Val 36 False 71.9 67.3 config nus_retnet.pth (ksmp) nus_retnet.pth
LION-RWKV Val 36 False 71.7 66.8 config
LION-Mamba Val 36 False 72.1 68.0 config nus_mamba.pth (2tvc) nus_mamba.pth
LION-Mamba Val 48 False 72.3 68.2 config
LION-Mamba Test 36 False 73.9 69.8

Note: Our model on nuScenes does not use CBGS for training more time and without any test-time augmentation or model ensembling! For obtaining more stable and better performance, you could try to train more time~(e.g., 48 epochs)

Model mAP Config Download (Baidu Pan) Download (Google Drive)
LION-RetNet 40.7 config argov2_retnet.pth (yghm) argov2_retnet.pth
LION-RWKV 41.1 config argov2_rwkv.pth (cr4e) argov2_rwkv.pth
LION-Mamba 41.5 config argov2_mamba.pth (k63i) argov2_mamba.pth
Model Vehicle Pedestrian Cyclist mAP Config Download
LION-RetNet 78.1 52.4 68.3 66.3 config
LION-RWKV 78.3 50.6 68.4 65.8 config
LION-Mamba 78.2 53.2 68.5 66.6 config

Quick Validation

Model Car Pedestrian Cyclist Config Download
LION-TTT 78.0 58.6 69.6 config
LION-xLSTM 77.9 59.3 67.4 config
LION-RetNet 77.9 60.2 69.6 config
LION-Mamba 78.3 60.2 68.6 config
LION-RWKV 78.3 62.2 71.2 config


Please refer to INSTALL.md for the installation of LION codebase.

Getting Started

We provide all training&evaluation scripts for training our LION, please refer to tools/

For more details about LION, please refer to GETTING_STARTED.md to learn more usage about LION.



  title={LION: Linear Group RNN for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds},
  author={Zhe Liu, Jinghua Hou, Xingyu Wang, Xiaoqing Ye, Jingdong Wang, Hengshuang Zhao, Xiang Bai},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


We thank these great works and open-source repositories: OpenPCDet, DSVT, FlatFormer, HEDNet, Mamba, RWKV, Vision-RWKV, RMT, xLSTM, TTT, and flash-linear-attention.