java -jar TRADFRI2MQTT-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT.jar -ip {gateway IP} -psk {gateway secret} -broker {MQTT broker URL} [-retained]
The optional -retained
configures the MQTT topics as retained.
java -jar TRADFRI2MQTT-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT.jar -ip 192.168.1.XXX -psk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -broker tcp://localhost
Publishes state messages on topics like this:
Subscribes to control messages on topics like this:
publish 0/1 to the on
topic to turn the light off/on respectively
publish 0-254 to the dim
topic to change the brightness
publish "cold" / "normal" / "warm" to the temperature
topic to change temperatures.
This only works on individual bulbs.
publish the name of a mood (case-sensitive) to the mood
topic of a room to adapt that mood.
IKEA predefined moods are internally uppercase-only for some reason: "EVERYDAY" / "FOCUS" / "RELAX".
Your self-defined moods have to be spelled like in the Trådfri App.
At the moment, only control is implemented and state is not.
An easy-to-use MQTT broker is mosquitto.
After installation run it locally with mosquitto
Then submit commands like this:
mosquitto_pub -t "TRÅDFRI/bulb/LivingRoomBulb1/control/temperature" -m warm
or subscribe like this:
mosquitto_sub -t "TRÅDFRI/room/LivingRoom/state/on"
Optionally, TRADFRI2MQTT can be installed and run within a Docker image using the following instructions:
docker build -t tradfri2mqtt .
docker run -rm tradfri2mqtt -ip [gateway ip] -psk [gateway secret] -broker [mqtt broker url]