harsh7in / Blogger

Blogger is a basic blogging application which includes user to create an account and post their views.
MIT License
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💥Blogger is a basic blogging application which includes user to create account and post their views.

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Quick Start :

Get your own Fork/Copy of repository by clicking Fork button right upper corner.

$ git clone https://github.com/harsh-9in/Blogger.git
$ cd Blogger/mysite
$ git checkout -b [your_branch_name]

Setting up Project

python3 -m venv env
pip install -r mysite/requirements.txt
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
# For adding/Staging Changes

$ git add .

# For Commiting Changes

$ git commit -m "<your commit message>"
$ git push origin <branch_name>

Project Structure

|- .github
|- mysite : Project Directory
|    |- blog : Application for the blogs
|    |    |- migrations : Contains files that helps us to make the changes to the database schema as per the changes done in the models.
|    |    |- static : All the static assets for the blog application
|    |    |- templates : All the application specific templates
|    |    |- __init.py
|    |    |- admin.py : In this we register the models with the Django admin application
|    |    |- apps.py : In this we register/configure all the common files for the app
|    |    |- forms.py : Contains all the forms for the app
|    |    |- models.py : Contains all the models for the app
|    |    |- tests.py : Contains all the tests for the app
|    |    |- urls.py : Contains all the urls which are specific for the app
|    |    |- views.py : Contains all the views for the app
|    |- media : The media files related to the blogs and users
|    |- mysite : Python project package
|    |    |- __init
|    |    |- asgi.py : Entry point for the ASGI servers
|    |    |- settings.py : All the configurations for your project
|    |    |- urls.py : All the URLs for the Django project
|    |    |- wsgi.py : Entry point for the WSGI servers
|    |- staticfiles : To keep the static assets like images, CSS, JavaScript
|    |- users : Application for users
|    |    |- migrations : Contains files that helps us to make the changes to the database schema as per the changes done in the models.
|    |    |- templates : All the application specific templates
|    |    |- __init__.py
|    |    |- admin.py : In this we register the models with the Django admin application
|    |    |- apps.py : In this we register/configure all the common files for the app
|    |    |- backends.py : Contains the backend specific authentication functions
|    |    |- forms.py : Contains all the forms for the app
|    |    |- models.py : Contains all the models for the app
|    |    |- tests.py : Contains all the tests for the app
|    |    |- views.py : Contains all the views for the app
|    |- db.sqlite3 : Database file created when you run the migrate command
|    |- manage.py : A command line utility
|    |- Procfile : A file required for the Heroku Web applications to define the applications process types and entry points
|    |- requirements.txt : Contains all the modules and libraries required for the project.
|    |- runtime.txt : specify the Python runtime
|- .gitignore : Contains all the files and folders which needs to be ignored while pushing the code to the Git
|- CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md : Code of Conduct to be followed
|- CONTRIBUTORS.md : See the contributors of the project
|- LICENSE.md : See the License
|- README.md : Read all the instructions releated to the project

Contribution Guidelines

Geeks behind the initiative

Project Admin

Harsh Kumar -Know more

Project Mentors

-Kajol Kumari-Know More -Swarnima Shukla-Know More -Sarath Kaul-Know More

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