haskelly-dev / Haskelly

Haskelly is a VS Code extension that provides complete support for casual and expert Haskell development.
GNU General Public License v3.0
152 stars 17 forks source link
ghci haskell stack vscode


Release notes | Roadmap | Demo Video

Haskelly is a Visual Studio Code extension that supports Haskell development.




Haskelly is customizable (see Code > Preferences > Workspace Settings).

Parameter Description Default
haskelly.codeCompletion Code completion enabled true
haskelly.buttons.ghci GHCi button shows in the bottom bar true
haskelly.buttons.runfile Run file button shows in the bottom bar true
haskelly.buttons.quickcheck QuickCheck button shows in the bottom bar true
haskelly.buttons.stackBuild Stack build button shows in the bottom bar true
haskelly.buttons.stackBuildParams Parameters passed to stack build command --fast
haskelly.buttons.stackRun Stack run button shows in the bottom bar true
haskelly.buttons.stackRunParams Parameters passed to stack run command null
haskelly.buttons.stackTest Stack test button shows in the bottom bar true
haskelly.buttons.stackTestParams Parameters passed to stack test command null
haskelly.snippets.important Hide code completion for which there's already a snippet false
haskelly.snippets.custom Add your custom snippets following the structure of this file null
haskelly.exec.reuseTerminal Reuse the currently opened terminal to run Stack commands false


If you'd like to contribute to Haskelly, this is what you can do:

License: GNU 3