haydenrou / dotfiles

My Personalised Development Environment
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dotfiles fzf golang javascript lua neovim nvim react ruby skhd tmux typescript vim vimrc yabai zsh


My Personalized Development Environment

Dotfiles Demo

To prevent myself from going down wild Linux rabbit holes and trying every distribution I can get my hands on, I've transcended into an Apple chad. Therefore, this configuration may require changes to work in a Linux environment.

Mandatory Software:

Optional Software: (Warning: you may have to remove some alises / plugins if these are not installed)

File Structure:

Most files in this repo are structured so that you can symlink the directory directly into ~/.config, except for a few that need to live in different places such as zshrc.

Neovim Plugins:

Using lazy.nvim as a plugin manager, here are the plugins used:

Notable Settings:



A random list of handy vim commands

Plugin-Specific Keybinds:

LSPs (Language Server Protocols):

By default, the following LSPs will be installed:


Additionally, use <C-Space> to open the completion menu if it's not automatically open.



A full list of zsh aliases live under ./zsh/aliases.zsh, but here are a few:


See the tmux config in ./tmux/.tmux.conf, here are a few helpful aliases:



You're more than welcome to submit an issue or PR with any bugs or feature suggestions. See issues for current feature requests/bugs.

If you want to pair up on a project or build out any of the above, pop me an email at hayden@rouille.dev.