hc-oss / react-multi-select-component

Lightweight (~5KB gzipped) multiple selection dropdown component
MIT License
387 stars 89 forks source link
checkboxes component dropdown hacktoberfest multiselect react react-select select select-all typescript


Simple and lightweight multiple selection dropdown component with checkboxes, search and select-all

Storybook GitHub Actions Status NPM gzip

✨ Features

🔧 Installation

npm i react-multi-select-component    # npm
yarn add react-multi-select-component # yarn

📦 Example


import React, { useState } from "react";
import { MultiSelect } from "react-multi-select-component";

const options = [
  { label: "Grapes 🍇", value: "grapes" },
  { label: "Mango 🥭", value: "mango" },
  { label: "Strawberry 🍓", value: "strawberry", disabled: true },

const Example = () => {
  const [selected, setSelected] = useState([]);

  return (
      <h1>Select Fruits</h1>

export default Example;

More examples can be found here ↗

👀 Props

Prop Description Type Default
labelledBy value for aria-labelledby string
options options for dropdown [{label, value, disabled}]
value pre-selected rows [{label, value}] []
hasSelectAll toggle 'Select All' option boolean true
isLoading show spinner on select boolean false
shouldToggleOnHover toggle dropdown on hover option boolean false
overrideStrings localization ↗ object
onChange onChange callback function
disabled disable dropdown boolean false
disableSearch hide search textbox boolean false
filterOptions custom filter options (async supported) ↗ function Fuzzy Search
className class name for parent component string multi-select
valueRenderer custom dropdown header ↗ function
ItemRenderer custom dropdown option ↗ function
ClearIcon Custom Clear Icon for Search ReactNode
ArrowRenderer Custom Arrow Icon for Dropdown ReactNode
debounceDuration debounce duration for Search number 300
ClearSelectedIcon Custom Clear Icon for Selected Items (Hint: Pass null to prevent it from rendering completely) ReactNode
isCreatable Allows user to create unavailable option(s) example ↗ boolean false
onCreateOption allows to override newly created option example ↗ function
closeOnChangedValue automatically closes dropdown when its value is changed boolean false

📝 Changelog

For every release changelog/migration-guide will be available in releases

🤠 Credits

📜 License

MIT © harshzalavadiya