hjdhjd / homebridge-myq

:car: myQ Liftmaster and Chamberlain Plugin for Homebridge https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge
568 stars 43 forks source link
chamberlain garage garage-door garage-door-opener homebridge homebridge-myq homebridge-plugin liftmaster mqtt myq myq-devices myq-garage-door myq-support

[![homebridge-myq: Native HomeKit support for myQ garage door openers and other devices](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhjd/homebridge-myq/main/homebridge-myq.svg)](https://github.com/hjdhjd/homebridge-myq) # Homebridge myQ [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/homebridge-myq?color=%235EB5E5&logo=icloud&logoColor=%23FFFFFF&style=for-the-badge)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-myq) [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/homebridge-myq?color=%235EB5E5&label=Homebridge%20myQ&logoColor=%23FFFFFF&style=for-the-badge&logo=)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-myq) [![myQ@Homebridge Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/432663330281226270?color=%235EB5E5&label=Discord&logo=discord&logoColor=%23FFFFFF&style=for-the-badge)](https://discord.gg/QXqfHEW) [![verified-by-homebridge](https://img.shields.io/badge/homebridge-verified-blueviolet?color=%2357277C&style=for-the-badge&logoColor=%23FFFFFF&logo=)](https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge/wiki/Verified-Plugins) ## myQ garage door and other myQ-enabled device support for [Homebridge](https://homebridge.io).

homebridge-myq is officially retired, for now. For those interested in an alternative solution, I would highly recommend looking into Ratgdo and my homebridge-ratgdo plugin that provides all the capabilities of homebridge-myq and more capabilities that were never possible due to the myQ API constraints. Thank you for all the support and to the members of the community I've gotten to know over the years.

homebridge-myq iswas a Homebridge plugin that makes myQ-enabled devices available to Apple's HomeKit smart home platform. myQ-enabled devices include many smart garage door openers made primarily by Liftmaster, Chamberlain, and Craftsman, but includes other brands as well. You can determine if your garage door or other device is myQ-enabled by checking the myQ compatibility check tool on the myQ website.

There arewere two ways to control a myQ-compatible garage door opener through HomeKit:

  1. Liftmaster and Chamberlain make a hardware HomeKit bridge also called Home Bridge (not to be confused with the open source Homebridge project). Unfortunately, some of us have encountered significant issues with the hardware bridge in a real world setting, where it either stops working or hangs for extended periods of time. That said, other users have encountered no issues and this hardware solution works well.

  2. A plugin for Homebridge like this one that emulates the capabilities of a myQ HomeKit bridge device.

Either solution will provide you with robust HomeKit integration, and you'll soon be automating your myQ smart garage with the richness of Apple's HomeKit ecosystem!

Why use this plugin for myQ support in HomeKit?

In a nutshell, the aim of this plugin for things to just work with minimal required configuration by users. The goal is to provide as close to a streamlined experience as you would expect from a first-party or native HomeKit solution. For the adventurous, those additional granular options are, of course, available to support more esoteric use cases or other unique needs.

What does just work mean in practice? It means that this plugin will discover all your myQ devices and poll at regular, reasonable intervals for changes in state of a garage door opener, lamp, or other myQ devices and inform HomeKit of those changes. By default. Without additional configuration beyond the login information required for myQ services.

homebridge-myq has been around a long time and is trusted by thousands of users. It's the first myQ Homebridge plugin to provide comprehensive support for various myQ features such as obstruction detection, and the first to provide support for multiple myQ device types. As more of the API can be decoded, my aim is to support as many device types as possible. I rely on this plugin every day and actively maintain and support it.


How you can contribute and make this plugin even better

The myQ API is undocumented and implementing a plugin like this one is the result of many hours of reverse engineering, trial and error, and community support. This work stands on the shoulders of other myQ API projects out there and this project attempts to contribute back to that community base of knowledge to further improve myQ support for everyone.

I would love to support more types of myQ devices. Currently homebridge-myq supports the following device types:

Additional device types will be added as time allows. It's unlikely I will add support for myQ locks due to their deprecated protocol support. myQ cameras may be added at some point, but there are additional non-technical considerations related to the paid myQ product that I want to be mindful of.



If you are new to Homebridge, please first read the Homebridge documentation and installation instructions before proceeding.

If you have installed the Homebridge Config UI, you can intall this plugin by going to the Plugins tab and searching for homebridge-myq and installing it.

Things To Be Aware Of

Plugin Configuration

If you choose to configure this plugin directly instead of using the Homebridge Configuration web UI, you'll need to add the platform to your config.json in your home directory inside .homebridge.

"platforms": [{
    "platform": "myQ",
    "email": "email@email.com",
    "password": "password"

For most people, I recommend using Homebridge Configuration web UI to configure this plugin rather than doing so directly. It's easier to use for most users, especially newer users, and less prone to typos, leading to other problems.

Plugin Development Dashboard

This is mostly of interest to the true developer nerds amongst us.

License Build Status Dependencies GitHub commits since latest release (by SemVer)