OncoThreads longitudinal cancer genomics visualization project.
To install OncoThreads Dependencies run
npm install
OncoThreads can be run in the browser or as an electron application using the commands
npm run react-start
npm run electron-start
Latest release: http://oncothreads.gehlenborglab.org/
Installers for electron application: https://github.com/hms-dbmi/OncoThreads/releases
Steps to create a new release of electron installers:
git tag -a v[VERSION_NUMBER] -m 'v[VERSION_NUMBER]' && git push origin --tags
Travis will build installers for Mac, Windows, and Linux and create a release with these files.
The file HgncEntrez.txt is used for offline gene id mapping to ensure that no API calls are send to other services while local files are used for OncoThreads. This file needs to be updated on a regular basis. Currently, this has to be done manually using this service: https://www.genenames.org/download/custom/. Please select all approved genes and the columns 'Approved Symbol' and 'NCBI Gene ID' and replace the file.