This project demonstrates the basic protractor-cucumber-typescript framework project setup.
--- ### Protractor-Cucumber-TypeScript Setup Guide ### Medium Article Please do checkout my medium article which would give you more insight on this setup. [protractor-cucumber-typescript(Medium)]( ### Features * No typings.json or typings folder, they have been replaced by better **'@types'** modules in package.json. * ts-node(typescript execution environment for node) in cucumberOpts. * All scripts written with > Typescript2.0 & Cucumber2.0. * Neat folder structures with transpiled js files in separate output folder. * Page Object design pattern implementation. * Extensive hooks implemented for BeforeFeature, AfterScenarios etc. * Screenshots on failure feature scenarios. ### To Get Started #### Pre-requisites 1.NodeJS installed globally in the system. 2.Chrome or Firefox browsers installed. 3.Text Editor(Optional) installed-->Sublime/Visual Studio Code/Brackets. #### Setup Scripts * Clone the repository into a folder * Go inside the folder and run following command from terminal/command prompt ``` npm install ``` * All the dependencies from package.json and ambient typings would be installed in node_modules folder. #### Run Scripts * First step is to fire up the selenium server which could be done in many ways, **webdriver-manager** proves very handy for this.The below command should download the **chrome & gecko driver** binaries locally for you! ``` npm run webdriver-update ``` * Then you should start your selenium server! ``` npm run webdriver-start ``` * The below command would create an output folder named 'typeScript' and transpile the .ts files to .js. ``` npm run build ``` * Now just run the test command which launches the Chrome Browser and runs the scripts. ``` npm test ``` ![result]( #### Writing Features ``` Feature: To search typescript in google @TypeScriptScenario Scenario: Typescript Google Search Given I am on google page When I type "Typescript" Then I click on search button Then I clear the search text ``` #### Writing Step Definitions ``` import { browser } from "protractor"; import { SearchPageObject } from "../pages/searchPage"; const { Given } = require("cucumber"); const chai = require("chai").use(require("chai-as-promised")); const expect = chai.expect; const search: SearchPageObject = new SearchPageObject(); Given(/^I am on google page$/, async () => { await expect(browser.getTitle()).to.eventually.equal("Google"); }); ``` #### Writing Page Objects ``` import { $ } from "protractor"; export class SearchPageObject { public searchTextBox: any; public searchButton: any; constructor() { this.searchTextBox = $("#lst-ib"); this.searchButton = $("input[value='Google Search']"); } } ``` #### Cucumber Hooks Following method takes screenshot on failure of each scenario ``` After(async function(scenario) { if (scenario.result.status === Status.FAILED) { // screenShot is a base-64 encoded PNG const screenShot = await browser.takeScreenshot(); this.attach(screenShot, "image/png"); } }); ``` #### CucumberOpts Tags Following configuration shows to call specific tags from feature files ``` cucumberOpts: { compiler: "ts:ts-node/register", format: "json:./reports/json/cucumber_report.json", require: ["../../stepdefinitions/*.ts", "../../support/*.ts"], strict: true, tags: "@TypeScriptScenario or @CucumberScenario or @ProtractorScenario", }, ``` #### HTML Reports Currently this project has been integrated with [cucumber-html-reporter](, which is generated in the `reports` folder when you run `npm test`. They can be customized according to user's specific needs. ![cucumberreporterscreen]( ## Contributions For contributors who want to improve this repo by contributing some code, reporting bugs, issues or improving documentation - PR's are highly welcome, please maintain the coding style , folder structure , detailed description of documentation and bugs/issues with examples if possible. ## Contributors | [