ilovepixelart / ts-migrate-mongoose

A node/typescript based migration framework for mongoose
MIT License
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cli cli-app cli-tool migrations mongodb mongoose node nodejs npm npm-package programmatic swc ts ts-migrate-mongoose typescript


A node/typescript based migration framework for mongoose

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ts-migrate-mongoose is a migration framework for projects that are already using mongoose



How to use it with:


npm install ts-migrate-mongoose
pnpm add ts-migrate-mongoose
yarn add ts-migrate-mongoose
bun add ts-migrate-mongoose
npm install -g ts-migrate-mongoose
pnpm add -g ts-migrate-mongoose
yarn global add ts-migrate-mongoose
bun add -g ts-migrate-mongoose

Migrations and alias imports

If you are using alias imports in your project, you can use tsconfig.json paths to resolve them for you project. \ But ts-migrate-mongoose uses swc to compile the migrations internally, so you also need to add .swcrc file to project root \ Starting from "@swc/core": "1.3.74", you need to use target or env not both, in example bellow we use "target": "es2021"

  "jsc": {
    "parser": {
      "syntax": "typescript",
      "decorators": true,
      "dynamicImport": true
    "target": "es2021",
    "keepClassNames": true,
    "loose": true,
    // Important part bellow, copy it from your tsconfig.json
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["src/*"]
    // Important part above, copy it from your tsconfig.json
  "module": {
    "type": "commonjs"
  "sourceMaps": true

Now your migrations will be compiled with swc and you can use alias imports in your migrations.


If you don't want to provide -d or --uri flag in CLI or Programmatic mode, you can configure it. \ Create a migrate.json or migrate.ts or .env file in the root of your project:

  "uri": "mongodb://localhost/my-db",
  "collection": "migrations",
  "migrationsPath": "./migrations",
  "templatePath": "./migrations/template.ts",
  "autosync": false
export default {
  uri: "mongodb://localhost/my-db",
  collection: "migrations",
  migrationsPath: "./migrations",
  templatePath: "./migrations/template.ts",
  autosync: false,
# You can set this variable or in your CI/CD pipeline
# Or use --mode flag in CLI mode to switch between .env files

If mode is set, it will look for .env.[mode] file in the root of your project \ For example, if MIGRATE_MODE=development it will look for .env.development file \ If mode is not set, it will look for .env file in the root of your project

.env                # loaded in all cases
.env.local          # loaded in all cases (used as override for local development)
.env.[mode]         # only loaded in specified mode
.env.[mode].local   # only loaded in specified mode (used as override for local development)
# Example .env file content
# or 
Config file .env / export Default Required Description
mode MIGRATE_MODE - No environment mode to use .env.[mode] file
uri MIGRATE_MONGO_URI - Yes mongo connection string
collection MIGRATE_MONGO_COLLECTION migrations No collection name to use for the migrations
configPath MIGRATE_CONFIG_PATH ./migrate No path to the config file
migrationsPath MIGRATE_MIGRATIONS_PATH ./migrations No path to the migration files
templatePath MIGRATE_TEMPLATE_PATH - No template file to use when creating a migration
autosync MIGRATE_AUTOSYNC false No automatically sync new migrations without prompt

Getting started with the CLI

Explore and lear commands, rest of the tutorial will be using npm

npm run migrate -h
pnpm migrate -h
yarn migrate -h
bun run migrate -h
CLI migration tool for mongoose

  -f, --config-path <path>         path to the config file
  -d, --uri <string>               mongo connection string
  -c, --collection <string>        collection name to use for the migrations
  -a, --autosync <boolean>         automatically sync new migrations without prompt
  -m, --migrations-path <path>     path to the migration files
  -t, --template-path <path>       template file to use when creating a migration
  --mode <string>                  environment mode to use .env.[mode] file
  -h, --help                       display help for command

  list                             list all migrations
  create <migration-name>          create a new migration file
  up [options] [migration-name]    run all migrations or a specific migration if name is provided
  down [options] <migration-name>  roll back migrations down to given name
  prune                            delete extraneous migrations from migration folder or database
  help [command]                   display help for command

Before you start make sure you setup .env file or migrate.ts/json file so you don't need to provide -d on each command

npm run migrate create add-users -d mongodb://localhost/my-db

In case you want to run just one migration up or down use option --single

npm run migrate create first-migration
npm run migrate create second-migration
npm run migrate list
npm run migrate up second-migration -s # will migrate up only second-migration
npm run migrate down second-migration -s # will migrate down only second-migration
npm run migrate up -s # will migrate up first-migration

Options override order

Note that options are overridden in the following order:

Migration files

This example demonstrates how you can create a migration file using the CLI \ By default, ts-migrate-mongoose assumes your migration folder exists (if it does not it will create one for you)

Here's an example of a migration created using:

npm run migrate create first-migration
pnpm migrate create first-migration
yarn migrate create first-migration
bun run migrate create first-migration

Executing the above command will create a migration file in the ./migrations folder with the following content:

// Import your models here

export async function up (): Promise<void> {
  // Write migration here

export async function down (): Promise<void> {
  // Write migration here

Using mongoose models in your migrations

As long as you can import the references to your models you can use them in migrations \ Below is an example of a typical setup in a mongoose project:

import { Schema, model, models } from 'mongoose'

interface IUser {
  firstName: string
  lastName?: string

const UserSchema = new Schema<IUser>({
  firstName: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  lastName: {
    type: String

export default models.User ?? model<IUser>('User', UserSchema)
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
import mongooseOptions from '../options/mongoose'

import User from './User'

const getModels = async () => {
  // In case you using mongoose 6
  mongoose.set('strictQuery', false)

  // Ensure connection is open so we can run migrations
  await mongoose.connect(process.env.MIGRATE_MONGO_URI ?? 'mongodb://localhost/my-db', mongooseOptions)

  // Return models that will be used in migration methods
  return {

export default getModels
import getModels from '../models'

export async function up () {
  const { User } = await getModels()
  // Write migration here
  await User.create([
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe'
      firstName: 'Jane',
      lastName: 'Doe'

export async function down () {
  const { User } = await getModels()
  // Write migration here
  await User.deleteMany({ firstName: { $in: ['Jane', 'John'] } }).exec()


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