imbhargav5 / nextbase-nextjs-supabase-starter

πŸš€βš‘οΈ Free Boilerplate and Starter kit for Next.js 14+, Supabase, Tailwind CSS 3.2 and TypeScript. πŸš€ Next.js πŸ”₯ Supabase πŸ’» TypeScript πŸ’š ESLint 🎨 Prettier 🐢 Husky 🧹 Lint-Staged πŸ§ͺ Jest πŸ§ͺ Testing Library πŸ•ΉοΈ Playwright ✍️ Commitizen πŸ’¬ Commitlint πŸ’» VSCode πŸŒͺ️ Vercel 🎨 PostCSS πŸƒ Tailwind CSS βš›οΈ React Query
MIT License
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boilerplate boilerplate-code boilerplate-react eslint jamstack js-boilerplate nextjs nextjs-13 nextjs-boilerplate nextjs-starter nextjs-tailwind nextjs-template nextjs-typescript postcss saas-boilerplate seo starter-kit tailwindcss typescript

NextBase Starter

NextBase Lite Open Source Free Boilerplate

Nextbase Lite is a simple Next.js 13 + Supabase boilerplate. It includes a Next.js 13 app with Typescript, Supabase and Tailwind CSS. It includes the all new app folder, layout components, React server components and more!



  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies with yarn
  3. Create a Supabase account if you don't have one already
  4. Create a new project in Supabase
  5. Link Supabase to your project using yarn supabase link --project-ref <project-ref>. You can get your project ref from the Supabase Project dashboard (Project Settings -> API)
  6. Duplicate .env.local.example and rename it to .env.local and add the Project ref, Supabase URL and anon key.
  7. Push the database schema to your Supabase project using yarn supabase db push.
  8. Generate types for your Supabase tables using yarn generate:types:local.
  9. Run yarn dev to start the development server.


  1. Unit test using yarn test
  2. End-to-end test using yarn test:e2e


This is a simple Next.js project. Deployment is the same as any other Next.js project. You can deploy it to Vercel, Netlify, or any other hosting provider.


Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue or a PR.




Checkout the file for common issues.

Premium NextBase Boilerplate

Also checkout our premium boilerplate with more features. It includes a fully functional authentication system, user profiles, organisations, row level security, and more.

NextBase Boilerplate