imjp94 / gd-plug

Minimal plugin manager for Godot
MIT License
209 stars 15 forks source link

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Minimal plugin manager for Godot, inspired by vim-plug


This version is only compatible with Godot 4.x, check out godot3 branch for older version




godot --headless -s {action} {options...}


Action Description
init Initialize current project by creating at root
status Check the status of plugins(installed, added or removed), execute this command whenever in doubts
install alias update Install or update(to latest version if not freezed) "plugged" plugins based on, or uninstall "unplugged" plugins
uninstall Uninstall all plugins, regardless of
clean Clean unused files/folders from /.plugged
upgrade Upgrade addons/gd-plug/ to the latest version
version Print current version of gd-plug
help Show help


Option Description
production Install only plugins not marked as dev, or uninstall already installed dev plugins
test Testing mode, no files will be installed/uninstalled while files to be installed/uninstalled will be printed, mainly used with install or uninstall
force Force gd-plug to overwrite destination files when running install command. By default, gd-plug will terminate installation of plugin when any of the file found to be overwriting user files.
keep-import-file Keep ".import" files generated by plugin, when run uninstall command
keep-import-resource-file Keep files located in /.import that generated by plugin, when run uninstall command
debug alias d Print debug message
detail Print with datetime and log level, "[{time}] [{level}] {msg}"
quiet alias q, silent Disable logging


plug(src, args={})



[!NOTE] To install plugin from private repository, full Git SSH url must be used: plug(""). See Generating new SSH key and Adding a new SSH key to your Github account


Argument Type Description
include Array[String] Files or directories to include, only addons/ will be included if omitted. (No expression like wildcard(*) supported yet.)
exclude Array[String] Files or directories to exclude. (No expression like wildcard(*) supported yet.)
branch String Name of branch to freeze to
tag String Name of tag to freeze to
commit String Commit hash string to freeze to, must be full length 40 digits commit-hash, for example, 7a642f90d3fb88976dd913051de994e58e838d1a.
dev bool Toggle dev  mode. dev plugins will not be installed when install with production option(dev plugins will be removed if already installed)
on_updated String Post update hook, a function name declared in that will be called whenever the plugin installed/updated. See Post Update Hook


Getting Started

  1. Create at your project root, as below:
extends "res://addons/gd-plug/"

func _plugging():
    # Declare your plugins in here with plug(src, args)

[!TIP] Or run init command: godot --headless -s addons/ init

  1. Declare plugins in under _plugging(), for example:
extends "res://addons/gd-plug/"

func _plugging():
    # Declare your plugins in here with plug(src, args)
    # By default, only "addons/" directory will be installed
    # Proudly made by me too!

    # Tools

    # Unit test

    # By Zylann
  1. Finally, run install command in shell
# --headless is optional to disable godot window
godot --headless -s install 

Post Update Hook

Post update hook can be connected in 3 ways:

Post update hook always returned with one argument - dictionary that store information about the plugin

func post_update(plugin):
    print("%s updated" %

Version Control

What can be ignored from version control system?

What should be added to version control system?

More Examples

For most of the case, a plugin can be "plugged" without any extra configuration, as by default gd-plug will extract whatever located in plugin's /addons directory and install to current project's /addons directory.

However, some plugin's repository may be structured differently, thus, different configuration needed.

extends "res://addons/gd-plug/"

func _plugging():
    # Declare your plugins in here with plug(src, args)
    # By default, only "addons/" directory will be installed
    # Version freeze
    plug("imjp94/UIDesignTool", {"branch": "demo"}) # Always pull update from "demo" branch
    plug("imjp94/gd-YAFSM", {"tag": "1.0.0-stable"}) # Freeze to stable version
    plug("imjp94/gd-plug", {"commit": "7a642f90d3fb88976dd913051de994e58e838d1a"}) # Must be full length 40 digits commit-hash

    # Dev plugins, can be excluded or uninstalled with "production" command
    plug("fenix-hub/godot-engine.github-integration", {"dev": true})
    plug("EricEzaM/godot-color-palette", {"dev": true})

    # Post update hook
    plug("bitwes/Gut", {"on_updated": "_on_GUT_updated"})

    # It works even if the files are not located in "addons/"
    plug("Master-J/DecalCo", {"include": ["decalco/"]})

    # Repo that contains only addon files
    plug("HungryProton/scatter", {"install_root": "addons/scatter", "include": ["."]})

    # Source other than github
    plug("") # Gitlab
    plug("file:///D/Godot/local-project/.git") # Local git repo

    connect("updated", "_on_plugin_updated")

func _on_updated(plugin):
    # Override to catch all updated plugins
          print("Use upgrade command!")

func _on_GUT_updated(plugin):
    print("%s updated" %
    print("Installed files: " + plugin.dest_files)

func _on_plugin_updated(plugin):
    # Catch all updated plugins with signal
    print("%s post update hook with signal" %

Known Limitations