immersive-web / computer-vision

A feature repo for exploring computer vision APIs for XR. Feature Lead: Blair MacIntyre
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incubation webxr

Computer vision for XR

This is a feature repo (as defined in the proposals process) that has been created for exploring computer vision APIs for XR.

The conversation that led to the creation of this repo can be found in Proposals Issues #4.

Blair MacIntyre (@blairmacintyre) is coordinating the creation of the initial explainers.

Top Level Documents in this Repository

The topic of computer vision support is broad, and implementing support on the web, even just within the context of devices supported by the WebXR Device API, could be approached in a number of different ways. In this repository, we would like to capture and document the various ways this could be thought about, even though the initial proposal will focus on a subset of the possible approaches and use cases.

There are 5 potential use cases we could consider working on, intertwined but sufficiently separate we can talk about them separately. These will be documents in separate explainers.

The first two are the focus of this repository, and share a common need to have the available cameras exposed and the developer request access to them. They can likely be done in the same API (e.g., request cameras, direct data to CPU and/or GPU, guarantee that if the camera is synch with rAF that the data will be available before rAF and make this known if so), but are separable if we only want to tackle one first.