VS Code theme based on hyper-snazzy with bright colors
The original. Visual Studio Code theme based on hyper-snazzy colors from Sindre Sorhus.
Tested with the following languages:
Other languages have syntax highlighting too, it's just not guaranteed to be semantic (feel free to give feedback!). The theme also includes workbench theming, while trying to keep the default VS Code look and feel.
This theme is available for free in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
It can be installed by the shortcut ⌘P
and typing ext install snazzy theme
or by the shortcut ⇧⌘X
and typing snazzy theme
Alternately, you can download the bundled VSIX file and install it through the extensions section in VS Code.
To override certain colors of this theme you can put the following in your settings:
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"[Snazzy]": {
// customizations
MIT © 2017 Alexander Bast