japacible / commission-me

Platform for commissioners and buyers to connect and finalize sales.
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Commission Settings Page #222

Closed Bejoty closed 10 years ago

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

Putting the finishing touches on the commission settings view.

Settings Request Review Revision (Payment) Progress

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

I figure doing the pages in order makes most logical sense. I'm still getting the last function scripted, which will make all the form manipulation correctly submit back to the server.

Are you familiar with how that's parsed with Ruby? It should already be set up to take dynamic form submission (variable categories with variable steps with variable options, all filled with data).

jbrodhacker commented 10 years ago

I've looked over the code that @kcorman wrote for the commission settings page if that's what you mean. I think the code there is already defined pretty well to handle the different variants. Is there something new that the server side isn't paying attention to yet?

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

Does that code take into account the final step? It was added around the time we presented the beta, so there's a good chance it's set, but double checking.

jbrodhacker commented 10 years ago

The final step is accounted for in the commission request page with it's own special parsing to put the step at the top of the json such that it's accessible via @commission.commission_current["final"]. I added the jquery to display that in what's now views/commissions/_new_commission_request.js

jbrodhacker commented 10 years ago

The commission settings page I don't think necessarily has to deal with the final step, unless there was some way we wanted to have the artist customize it.

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

Cool cool. And I know Kenny has a catch for category name changes with the form name "cat_name", so I'll use that assuming I manage to make that functional tonight.

The issue post has the current list of fixes for this page, but they're nonessential for the flow (with the major exception of the form name updating that I'm still fixing up). A few of them should hopefully be taken care of tonight, but let's make sure the rest fits in first, eh?

jbrodhacker commented 10 years ago

Ah, I see what you're doing in the javascript for the commission setting on the final step... I'll see what I can do about getting that in there without too much trouble.

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

Oh, yes the final step for the settings page I figured can be a prompt to display to the customer precisely how to fill in the final step at the request stage.

jbrodhacker commented 10 years ago

Sounds good.

jbrodhacker commented 10 years ago

How do you want to retrieve that description from the front end? Via another step in the json or as another top level object in the json?

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

Alrighty, if this is stable, next up is the request page! #223

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

Updated file: c1aaebd42ec48ddb8d9e8b5bf64f349c8c70e9f9

kcorman commented 10 years ago

Just linking to #225

Bejoty commented 10 years ago


quanc commented 10 years ago

How is the status on this?

Bejoty commented 10 years ago

Now that the form inputs are updating correctly, I think all that this page is missing is the art uploads, and the bug issues I linked above. If all that's left are the other issues' issues, then I'll close down this 'hub issue'.