jdnichollsc / Ionic-Starter-Template

Reinventing the wheel, again! Sorry Ionic Team... but there are many newbies learning on Youtube!
MIT License
211 stars 106 forks source link
android android-app android-application angular angularjs app apps crosswalk gulp html-template html5 hybrid-apps ios ios-app javascript javascript-applications js mobile-app sqlite template

An advanced Ionic v1.x template

Ionic Framework + Gulp


You need to obfuscate your code and reduce the size of your mobile applications. With this project you can work with Gulp in the best way, allowing improve your development workflow. This project seeks to improve the following tasks:


Do you want to see this starter in action? Visit https://jdnichollsc.github.io/Ionic-Starter-Template/ yay!

Automatically deployed to GitHub Pages using Gulp - Check the last task into gulpfile.js

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Projects using this template

Do you have a project using this template? Let me know to share it with everyone!


  1. Download this template.
  2. Execute the command npm install
  3. Execute the command gulp
  4. Run Ionic:
    • ionic serve to test on the browser (Gulp is running by default).
    • ionic run android --livereload to test on the device.
  5. Modify this template and create your hybrid mobile app.
  6. Check the John Papa's Angular Style Guide.

Template Structure

Path Explanation
./app/img/ Images in your app.
./app/js/ Scripts (Controllers, Services, Directives, etc).
./app/scss/ The styles of your app using Sass.
./app/templates/ Views in your app. (Only html files)
./app/index.html The init page.
./www/css/ Other css styles like Animate.css, etc.
./www/lib Download scripts using bower.

Using bower to download libraries (npm preen included)

Animate elements using Animate.css

SQLite databases on Android, iOS and Windows (Using cordova-sqlite-ext plugin)

This template include an example (pre-populated database), you can test in the browser using Google Chrome or in your Device.

Cordova SQLite

SQLite examples using Angular Services

Note: If you don't want to use SQLite, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Remove ./www/pre.db file.
  2. Remove ./app/js/queries.js file.
  3. Remove ./app/js/services/sqlite.js file.
  4. Uninstall the plugin using the CLI: ionic plugin rm cordova-sqlite-ext --save
  5. Remove the following line from ./app/js/app.js file:

Ionic Tips

var isWebView = ionic.Platform.isWebView(); var isIPad = ionic.Platform.isIPad(); var isIOS = ionic.Platform.isIOS(); var isAndroid = ionic.Platform.isAndroid(); var isWindowsPhone = ionic.Platform.isWindowsPhone();

var currentPlatform = ionic.Platform.platform(); var currentPlatformVersion = ionic.Platform.version();

* Disabling the tap system **(To disable the tap for an element and all of its children elements)**
<div data-tap-disabled="true">
    <div id="google-map"></div>

Global configuration:


Improve the performance of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript if is required.

Command Action
ionic browser list Show all the browsers available by platform
ionic browser rm crosswalk Remove a browser
ionic browser add crosswalk Install the Chromium browser for Android
ionic browser add crosswalk@ Specifies a version of Chromium
ionic browser add crosswalk-lite Install the Crosswalk lite version
ionic browser revert android Remove any custom browser that was installed for the platform by replacing it with the system default browser

npm commands

Command Action
npm i ionic cordova bower gulp -g Install Ionic, Cordova, Bower and Gulp packages globally
npm cache clean Remove the cache to force update the packages. Useful to solve npm issues using the CLI.

Ionic commands

Command Action
ionic login To get logged in the CLI and use the Ionic services
ionic upload Upload your app to Ionic repository and debug remotely (Your clients) using the useful Ionic View App
ionic serve Test on the browser
ionic serve --lab Test on the browser iOS and Android version
ionic lib update Update Ionic library files
ionic resources Generate icons and splash screens. The images are located in ./resources/ directory. More info here.
ionic resources --icon Generate only the icons. icon.png, icon.psd or icon.ai is located in ./resources/ directory
ionic resources --splash Generate only the splash screens. splash.png, splash.psd or splash.ai is located in ./resources/ directory
ionic resources ios --icon Generate icons per platform

Cordova commands

Command Action
cordova platform add android Add the platform to build your app. android - ios - windows
cordova platform rm android Remove the platform
cordova plugin add git_url --save Add a plugin to use native capabilities. Native Devs are your friends
cordova plugin list See the plugins that you're using. Find more here!
cordova plugin rm plugin_name --save Remove a plugin
cordova build windows -- --appx=8.1-win --archs="x86" Build the app to Windows (Open the Solution platforms/windows/*.sln on Visual Studio)


Name Description
Visual Studio Code Build and debug your app using a extension
GapDebug Only debug in the device
GenyMotion Better Android Emulation

Visual Studio Code commands and shortcuts

Command/Shortcut Action
code . Open the editor from CLI
F1 Open the Command Palette
Ctrl + Shift + N Open other Visual Studio Code instance
Ctrl + } Toogle comment code
Ctrl + ñ Open the Integrated Terminal

Sign to Android (Commands)

  1. cordova build --release android
  2. keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  3. jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore HelloWorld-release-unsigned.apk alias_name
  4. zipalign -v 4 HelloWorld-release-unsigned.apk HelloWorld.apk


Your code is mine!


I believe in Unicorns 🦄 Support me, if you do too.

Happy coding

Made with <3