jersou / studio-pack-generator

Convert a folder or a RSS URL to Studio pack zip for Lunii device
MIT License
80 stars 11 forks source link
deno lunii typescript


This project convert a folder or a RSS URL to Studio pack zip for Lunii device, see file structure below.

Supported OS: Windows / Linux / macOS

⭐ Une grosse communauté est présente sur Discord pour créer et partager des pack Lunii ! ⭐

⭐ A big french community is present on Discord to create and share Lunii packs ⭐

Quick start

studio-pack-generator "my story folder OR a RSS URL"

will generate "my story" that can be imported in Studio


Optional dependencies

Install optional dependencies : sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y ffmpeg libttspico-utils imagemagick

Windows release of studio-pack-generator embeds these tools in zip file, and use Windows TTS instead of picoTTS (unless you have WSL and picoTTS installed).

Use "-miva" option to skip all generations that use these tools.

Install studio-pack-generator

Install binary from release page and run it :

studio-pack-generator-x86_64-linux            "my story folder or a rss url"
or  studio-pack-generator-x86_64-windows.exe  "my story folder or a rss url"
or  studio-pack-generator-aarch64-apple       "my story folder or a rss url"
or  studio-pack-generator-x86_64-apple        "my story folder or a rss url"

Or use Deno

This project is written in Typescript for deno runtime. Install deno :

Run from web directly (will be cached for the next launches) :

deno run -A "my story folder or a rss url"

Or install with deno :

deno install --name studio-pack-generator -A --unstable -f
→ and then run :  studio-pack-generator "my story folder or a rss url"

Or clone the repo and run with deno :

git clone
cd studio-pack-generator
deno run -A studio_pack_generator.ts "my story folder or a rss url"

Story folder structure

Simplest example, only 1 menu level, without audio/image of menus/items :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a story         ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 🎵 the story 1.mp3      ← 📗 audio story
    ├── 🎵 the story 2.mp3      ← 📗 audio story
    └── 🎵 the story 3.mp3      ← 📗 audio story

Simple example, 2 levels of menus, without audio/image of menus/items :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a character          ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 📂 Alice                     ← 📂 first choice of the first menu
    │   └── 📂 Choose a place          ← 📂 second menu
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.mp3          ← 📗 audio story
    │       └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3        ← 📗 audio story
    └── 📂 Bob                       ← 📂 second choice of the first menu
        └── 📂 Choose a place          ← 📂 second menu
            ├── 🎵 the desert.mp3        ← 📗 audio story
            └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3        ← 📗 audio story

studio-pack-generator will generate menu files, they could be manually overwritten, and the next studio-pack-generator run will not regenerate these files :

📂 Story folder
├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                     ← ⏩ story audio title, generated if missing
├── 🔳 0-item.png                     ← ⏩ story image title, generated if missing
├── 🔳 0-night-mode.mp3               ← ⏩ story audio night mode transition, generated if missing and if the mode is enable
└── 📂 Choose a character             ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                   ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
    ├── 📂 Alice                        ← 📂 first choice of the first menu
    │   ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                 ← ⏩ audio choice, generated if missing
    │   ├── 🔳 0-item.png                 ← ⏩ image choice, generated if missing
    │   └── 📂 Choose a place             ← 📂 second menu
    │       ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🔳 0-item.png               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.item.mp3        ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🔳 the city.item.png        ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.mp3             ← 📗 audio story
    │       ├── 🎵 the jungle.item.mp3      ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
    │       ├── 🔳 the jungle.item.png      ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
    │       └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3           ← 📗 audio story
    └── 📂 Bob                          ← 📂 second choice of the first menu
        ├── 🎵 0-item.mp3                 ← ⏩ audio choice, generated if missing
        ├── 🔳 0-item.png                 ← ⏩ image choice, generated if missing
        └── 📂 Choose a place                ← 📂 second menu
            ├── 🔳 0-item.mp3               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
            ├── 🔳 0-item.png               ← ⏩ audio menu, generated if missing
            ├── 🎵 the desert.item.mp3      ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
            ├── 🔳 the desert.item.png      ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
            ├── 🎵 the desert.mp3           ← 📗 audio story
            ├── 🎵 the jungle.item.mp3      ← ⏩ audio story title, generated if missing
            ├── 🔳 the jungle.item.png      ← ⏩ image story title, generated if missing
            └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3           ← 📗 audio story

There is no limit to the nesting of menus, for example :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a character                 ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 📂 Alice                            ← 📂 first choice of the first menu
    │   └── 📂 Choose a place                ← 📂 second menu
    │       └── 📂 Building                    ← 📂 second choice of the first menu
    │       │   └── 📂 Choose the floor          ← 📂 third menu
    │       │       ├── 🎵 the floor 1.mp3         ← 📗 audio story
    │       │       └── 🎵 the floor 2.mp3         ← 📗 audio story
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.mp3                ← 📗 audio story : mix menus/stories is possible
    │       └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3              ← 📗 audio story : mix menus/stories is possible
    ├── 🎵 Bob.mp3                         ← 📗 audio story : mix menus/stories is possible

Zip Pack aggregation

Since v0.1.11.

studio-pack-generator can embed zip studio packs in the tree structure :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a character   ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 📦           ← 📦 pack as menu entry
    ├── 🎵 Bob.mp3             ← 📗 audio story

The "super pack" will look like :

📂 Story folder
└── 📂 Choose a character                 ← 📂 first menu
    ├── 📂 Alice                            ← 📂 The pack
    │   └── 📂 Choose a place                ← 📂 second menu
    │       └── 📂 Building                    ← 📂 second choice of the first menu
    │       │   └── 📂 Choose the floor          ← 📂 third menu
    │       │       ├── 🎵 the floor 1.mp3         ← 📗 audio story
    │       │       └── 🎵 the floor 2.mp3         ← 📗 audio story
    │       ├── 🎵 the city.mp3                ← 📗 audio story
    │       └── 🎵 the jungle.mp3              ← 📗 audio story
    ├── 🎵 Bob.mp3                         ← 📗 audio story



deno run -A studio_pack_generator.ts [options] <story path | RSS URL>    convert a folder or a RSS URL to Studio pack

  -h, --help                         Show help                                                                 [boolean]
  -d, --add-delay                    add 1 second at the beginning and the end of audio files [boolean] [default: false]
  -n, --auto-next-story-transition   go to next story of group at end of stories              [boolean] [default: false]
  -b, --select-next-story-at-end     select the next story in the menu at end                 [boolean] [default: false]
  -l, --lang                         the lang used to generate menu and items. Auto detected by default         [string]
  -t, --night-mode                   enable night mode : add transitions to an uniq endpoint  [boolean] [default: false]
  -o, --output-folder                zip output folder                                                          [string]
  -c, --seek-story                   cut the beginning of stories: 'HH:mm:ss' format or 'N' sec                 [string]
  -v, --skip-audio-convert           skip convert audio (and skip increase volume)            [boolean] [default: false]
  -j, --skip-image-convert           skip convert image                                       [boolean] [default: false]
  -a, --skip-audio-item-gen          skip audio item generation                               [boolean] [default: false]
  -m, --skip-extract-image-from-mp3  skip extract item image from story mp3                   [boolean] [default: false]
  -i, --skip-image-item-gen          skip image item generation                               [boolean] [default: false]
  -s, --skip-not-rss                 skip all except download RSS files                       [boolean] [default: false]
  -r, --skip-rss-image-dl            skip RSS image download of items                         [boolean] [default: false]
  -w, --skip-wsl                     disable WSL usage                                        [boolean] [default: false]
  -z, --skip-zip-generation          only process item generation, don't create zip           [boolean] [default: false]
  -e, --use-open-ai-tts              generate missing audio item with Open AI TTS             [boolean] [default: false]
  -k, --open-ai-api-key              the OpenAI API key                                                         [string]
  -g, --open-ai-model                OpenAi model : tts-1, tts-1-hd                          [string] [default: "tts-1"]
  -p, --open-ai-voice                OpenAi voice : alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, shimmer   [string] [default: "onyx"]
  -x, --extract                      extract a zip pack (reverse mode)                        [boolean] [default: false]

Separate options by spaces, ex :


Overwrite metadata

If the file metadata.json exists in the story folder, it will be used to overwrite the story.json metadata.

All key/value are optional, ex:

  "title": "title - overwrite",
  "description": "description - overwrite",
  "format": "v1",
  "version": 1,
  "nightMode": false


To use OpenAI TTS, use --use-open-ai-tts option, and you must set the API key:

reverse process : extract pack from zip

Extract a file stucture from zip pack :

-x, --extract                      extract a zip pack (reverse mode)                        [boolean] [default: false]

Example :

studio-pack-generator -x


studio-pack-generator -x -o output/dir

Note: it doesn't work well with "menu" nodes and with pack without "question" stage.


Some dev command are listed in the deno.json file :

Usage : deno task <command>, ex : deno task fmt

Possible improvements