johnmcfarlane / cnl

A Compositional Numeric Library for C++
Boost Software License 1.0
632 stars 63 forks source link
arithmetic cmake cpp deterministic embedded fixed-point multiprecision precision safe simulation

Compositional Numeric Library


The Compositional Numeric Library (CNL) is a C++ library of fixed-precision numeric classes which enhance integers to deliver safer, simpler, cheaper arithmetic types. Documentation can be found here. You can try out CNL on Compiler Explorer here.

CNL is particularly well-suited to:


The latest version of CNL requires a C++20-compatible tool chain. (Version 1.x supports C++11.) CNL is continually tested on the following systems:









CMake scripts are provided.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install

Note: you may need user privileges to install the library. Alternatively, you can install to user directory using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:FILE=/home/username/someplace ..
cmake --build . --target install

Alternatively, CNL is a header-only library so you can simply point to the include directory

c++ -isystem /path/to/cnl/include -std=c++20 my_program.cpp

or even include the root header directly in your code:

#include "/path/to/cnl/include/cnl/all.h"


The test suite uses CMake and depends on Google Test and Google Benchmark. Optional integration tests use Boost.Multiprecision.

  1. Conan can be used to pull in essential dependencies. This example assumes GCC but other tool chain files are provided:

    cd build
    conan profile new --detect --force default
    conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default  # GCC/Clang only
    conan profile update env.CONAN_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../test/toolchain/gcc.cmake default # GCC only
    conan install --build=missing --options test=unit ..

    ... and then configure, build and run unit tests:

    conan build --configure --build --test ..
  2. To run benchmarks, use --options test=benchmark...

    conan install --build=missing --options test=benchmark ..

    then configure and build

    conan build --configure --build ..

    and finally run explicitly to see the results.



The API is exposed through headers in the include directory. Add this to your system header list and include, e.g.:

// to use a specific type:
#include <cnl/scaled_integer.h>

// or to include all CNL types:
#include <cnl/all.h>

Example Projects

Examples of projects using CNL:

Further Reading


Contact Information

All feedback greatly appreciated.