jpoon / azure-create-vhd

💾 Docker image to create a blank VHD on Microsoft Azure
MIT License
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azure vhd


Create and upload a formatted VHD to Microsoft Azure Storage.


This tool exists as the Azure CLI currently does not support creating a blank VHD (azure-cli#655). Much of the logic was inspired by differing so as not to require Azure login.


docker build . -t azure-create-vhd
docker run -it azure-create-vhd STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY CONTAINER_NAME VHD_NAME [VHD_SIZE] [--fstype=type] [--verbose]

  STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME  Azure storage account name
  STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY   Azure storage account key
  CONTAINER_NAME        Name of blob container to store VHD
  VHD_NAME              Name of VHD to create. Must end in .vhd extension

  -h --help             Show this help message and exit
  --vhd_size N          Optional parameter denoting size in bytes of VHD (Default: 10G).
                        Suffixes "k" or "K" (kilobyte, 1024) "M" (megabyte, 1024k) 
                        "G" (gigabyte, 1024M) and T (terabyte, 1024G) are supported.
  --fstype=<type>       Optional parameter denoting type of filesystem to create (Default: ext4).
                        Supported filesystems: ext4, xfs.
  --verbose             Optional parameter. Output logs (Default: false)