// PROJECT PAUSED FOR NOW (lack of capacity) //
CAVIAR is an open source tool for protein cavity identification and rationalization, written in python and available as command line and as a GUI. It comprises a subcavity segmentation algorithm that produces meaningful decomposition of cavities, fully focused on the protein structure and agnostic of any ligand information. These subcavities reproduce subpockets as defined empirically with medicinal chemistry knowledge.
https://jr-marchand.github.io/caviar contains extended information about installation, usage and news/changelog.
Current development efforts are focused on:
Detailed information on dedicated website.
This package is hosted on anaconda.org. To install it in a new environment, simply run:
conda create -n caviar -c jr-marchand caviar
To install it manually from the git repository:
Create a virtual environement (see the documentation on the Python Packaging authority website)
Install the necessary dependencies (cf conda.recipe/meta.yaml), most likely from PyPI, User Guide
With the virtual environement activated: python setup.py install
/!\ Check that you have the correct dependencies/libraries
cf conda.recipe/meta.yaml, requirements section /!\
Detailed information on the dedicated website for the GUI and for the command line use.
Run caviar_gui
from the command line
The first window that will open is to give the PDB file / PDB code to download from the RCSB PDB. You can also select one or more chains to work on, and decide whether to open pymol with the results and the coloring scheme.
Once you click the run button, a second window will open, for subcavity decomposition. You can either decompose all cavities detected earlier, or choose one. Same remark for pymol.
Command line tool
The python command line tool is accessible via the command caviar
. More information with the -h option
Project led by Jean-Rémy Marchand
Collaboration with Finton Sirockin, Peter Ertl and Bernard Pirard
This package relies on external open source software and libraries:
File parsing is based on the parsers provided by the ProDy team a huge thanks for their amazing work!